25 | verdict

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A shadow falls over Stella as she reaches the blue wall of the pool, her palms pushing against the tiles as she breaks though the surface to tread water.

Faye peers down at her, amusement etched into her features. "Moms said I could find you here," Holding her hand out, she lets her fingers close around Stella's. "Come on; we can't be late for court."

Stella lets herself be pulled up, the scents of the natatorium she's spent so many hours of her life in becoming much more palpable as she's out of the water. Her skin instantly prickles in the humid yet strangely chill room. Once upon a time she'd found the chlorine sunk deep into every crevice of this place—the slippery floors, the textured walls, the worn out hairdryers in the locker rooms—comforting. Now, there's a sense of uneasiness she cannot shake to it as well.

But it's gotten better; a year ago she wouldn't have come here by herself. Thanks to Ms Flores, and equally much herself, now she can.

Baby steps.

There's only another few swimmers here at this hour, doing laps in the pool, and Faye's voice echoes—bounces between the walls and high ceiling—as she shoves a bagel smelling strongly of cream cheese in Stella's face. "Want some?"

Stella scrunches her nose up, palms gently wrenching water out of her hair. "No thanks."

"You've got a pimple on your chin."

Rolling her eyes, Stella shakes her head with a small smile. "You've got coffee on your blouse. Made you look."

"Hit the showers," Faye grabs Stella's towel where it lies discarded atop the starting block, a ghost of a smile on her lips. "We'll be waiting out front."

━ ♡♡♡ ━

As Stella steps out in the warm morning air a moment later, the sun instantly warm on her skin, her lips slip into a sincere smile for the first time since last night. Dropping her chapstick into the side pocket of her duffel-bag, she looks up at Jake where he's leant back against the wall of the building, his lips in a smile—like a beam of light falling on her.


"Good morning," Gently elbowing him, she says, "You survived the night."

Faye rolls her eyes, pushing a paper cup of coffee into Stella's hands. "For you," Then, already heading to the end of the curb to hail them a cab, she calls over her shoulder. "Let's go!"

Stella sips at the coffee, grimacing as she realizes it's lukewarm.

Jake reaches out, tucking an errant strand of her hair behind her ear before slipping her a KitKat bar. "You ready?"

Gathering a breath, Stella's smile widens as she bites into the chocolate. "As ready as I can be," She brushes her fingers over Jake's arm, following Faye by sliding into the backseat of the awaiting car. "Let's go."

━ ♡♡♡ ━

Faye leans close to the wide restroom mirror, humming under her breath as she adjust the hairpins holding back her hair. Shooting Stella a sideways glance through the reflection, her brows draw together.

"Why aren't you happy? We won. Mom's free to do whatever the hell she wants!" Faye turns around, leans back against the sink with a sigh—a cross of relief and defeat at once. "Douchebag One and Two got off way too easy, if you ask me—but mom's going to be fine. We're all going to be fine. And that's good."

Stella turns the faucet off, ripping a paper towel out of the dispenser. "I know."

"So why aren't you happy?"

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