suprise cuts

319 17 5

~requested by dance10addison

Emmy fastened the rubber band on her ponytail as she walked out of their bathroom into their room. She looked over into the mess of covers that was moving ever so slightly.

The closer she got to the bed she could see the cause of the movement.

"Good morning sleepyhead," she said, finally making it to the bedside where she could see Daveed becoming less and less nestled in the sheets.

Daveed put his hand over his face and wiped the sleep from his lids. He had rolled over to Emmy's side, always a wild sleeper when left alone in the large bed.

"What are you doing up so early?" he said groggily with sleep in his voice.

"It's almost 10, D," she said with a laugh.

"10," he said confused, slowly sitting up on the bed.

"Mhm," Emmy nodded, silently giggling to herself at his frazzled state. He had been deeply sleeping, as shown by the drool on his face and wildness of his curls.

"Where are you going," he asked, taking in the fact that she was already dressed.

"Getting my hair done I think I told you last night," Emmy replied.

"Oh sorry, I was out cold," Daveed said, using his hands to wipe his face.

"It's ok babe, I can tell," she laughed as she pointed to her own face to signal a spot of drool that he had missed on his own.

"Don't laugh at me," Daveed said, laughing himself and grabbing her arm to pull her down to the bed.

"Stop! I need to go," Emmy said through a fit of giggles while Daveed was tickling her.

"If you must," Daveed laughed and let her go.

Emmy stood up and gave Daveed a goodbye kiss, "See you later,"

"See you later," Daveed smiled and dramatically laughed back down in the covers.

Emmy just laughed and walked out of their bedroom. Once she got out of the room, she stopped for a second at the mirror across the hall. The mention of the appointment while Daveed had been half asleep last night was actually very strategically placed. Unbeknownst to Daveed, this was quite a big appointment. She was cutting her hair, shaving it all the way down to a buzzcut.

She wanted to surprise him so although she had made the decision a few weeks ago, she hadn't said a word. Emmy looked one last time at the gold and brown curls before heading downstairs and out the door.

She drove to the salon with a wide smile on her face, very happy to be finally making the chop. The idea had come to her and had deprived her of being able to focus on anything else for the last few weeks. She was so excited for a new look. She hadn't really changed her hair since college so this was only slightly huge.

25 minutes after she left their home she arrived at the salon and pulled into a parking space. She was right on time for her appointment so she walked right in.

"Hey Emmy," the hair stylist greeted.

Although Emmy hadn't changed her hair in nearly 10 years, she frequented the salon often just for a trim, color, or deep conditioning.

"Hey, Kelly!" Emmy replied cheerfully.

"We still cutting it all off?" Kelly asked just to further clarify as there would be no going back. She gestured Emmy to sit in her chair.

"Absolutely, I could not be more excited," said Emmy as moving to the designated styling chair.

"Ok let's do it!," Kelly smiled, "What does your partner think about it?"

"He actually... doesn't know," Emmy said with a little laugh.

"Ooh a surprise, I like that," Kelly said as she was preparing her station.

Kelly got to work on Emmy's hair and it wasn't long before she could see her curls drop to the floor one by one. She was ecstatic to get it cut, but the more that fell the more she realized she would still miss her hair.

Moments later, the last of the curls fell to the floor. It was done and Emmy could feel the lightness on her head. She stood up from the chair and turned around to look in the mirror for the first time since.

Emmy's jaw dropped in wonder of her own new look, "Kelly, this is... amazing, thank you! thank you so much!"

"You look amazing, you're totally welcome girl!" Kelly replied.

They exchanged goodbyes and Emmy left the salon. Once she got in her car she pulled down the sun visor to look in the mirror once more. She was more obsessed than she imagined and she couldn't wait to get home to see Daveed.

Before pulling out of the parking lot, she snapped a quick selfie to send to her parents who also didn't know what she was doing today. The first time she cut the sides of her hair was a shock to them as well, so she was intrigued to see their reactions.

Once the picture went through she was finally able to begin the drive home. She drove quickly, still giddy with the anticipation of what Daveed would think.

Emmy pulled into their driveway and went into the house. From the door she could see Daveed laying in the living room on the couch. A Warriors game was on but she could gather from his position that he was asleep, again.

She walked up to the couch and leaned over it to kiss his forehead. "Dav," she spoke softly, attempting to wake him up.

His eyes fluttered open once he felt her. "Emmy," he whispered once he was half awake.

Once he caught a glimpse of her, he jolted awake and sat up.

"Holy shit Em" he wowed, his jaw hanging open at the sight.

Emmy smiled and did a spin so he could see all of it.

"So that's what the hair appointment was for," Daveed nodded and reached up to touch her newly flat head.

"That's what it was for," Emmy smiled and made like she was brushing her behind her ear.

"Wow, I- ... incredible, just incredible," he said in great shock in admiration. Daveed stood on his knees on the sofa to meet her height and pepper her face with kisses.

"Thank you baby," Emmy smiled softly.

"You're welcome," he said through his continuing kisses. He took a step back to take her all in, "Damn... I mean you were beautiful before but... wow Emmy."

"Im glad you like it," she giggled at him.

"Love it," he said, giving her one more kiss, "Love you."

"Love you too," Emmy replied, returning the kiss, "So what are we doing today.. napping?"

"That's what I was planning on," Daveed chuckled and fell back on the sofa in his typical way.

"I guessss I'll join you," Emmy laughed and curled up next to him on the sofa. She nuzzled her head on his chest and they both closed their eyes, happy to nap with each other for a full day.

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