we will always be us

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A job of a lifetime only comes once. That's why they call it "of a lifetime." The kinds of opportunities many never get, and if you happen to be the lucky ones, you take it because so many would kill to be in your position. No matter what else you have going on, no matter who or what you're leaving behind, you drop everything and do anything you have to do to fulfill this opportunity.

When you dream of something for so long, when a plan is so set in your heart that it just nearly feels like reality, it becoming an actuality feels like a fantasy. The first thought is to jump at it, take your moment because you don't know when it will come again. But, through all this dreaming, time passes and life happens along the way. When your dream takes so long to come to the forefront, are you still able to jump at it when the time comes? What about the life you created along the way? What about the people you met through the journey?

The crowded airport corridor was amidst with people going the same and different directions as him. He pushed through and they pushed back. His suit was wrinkling but he had to go. He was making the jump. The leap that had presented itself many days prior.

It had all started with a greeting over the phone. Daveed, how you been, from a voice he didn't immediately recognize. Conversation continued and this cheerful voice presented itself as the CEO of the largest overhead network in the television and film industry, of Germany.  The speaker continued and continued until he got to the purpose of this phone call. An offer. Words Daveed had prayed over. Words he'd been working towards since he was a little kid, only he hadn't even known it then. We want you to run the whole thing. Control productions, hear pitches, give pitches, oversee the network, and create the field you want to see. The language set off an immediate overdrive and race in his heart and mind. The sentence hardly felt real. His fingers pinched his skin and his mouth begged for confirmation on what he just heard.

The entire network. Spearheaded by him. In his control. Who gets to do that? So flabbergasted and disconnected from the reality of the situation, Daveed asked for more. He needed clarity on why this guy thought he was the one for this. We've seen your work. Heard your visions. We want you, Daveed. Even more conversation ensued as the man worked to coax him out of the shock.

The click of buttons ended the most insane call he'd ever received and started a new one with his manager. A second opinion was the least of what he needed right now. His brain was asking for millions of opinions. He was lost in the chaos set off by everything firing in his head. The call with his manager, followed by his agent, as well as his mom had him hearing triple. Everyone seemed to be on the same page as the loudest alarm in his head. He'd be crazy not to take it, and he had to try it out, no matter how insane it felt.

But another switch had clicked just as hard as this one. If he left, to Germany, he'd be leaving all these people behind, as well as so many more. His friends, his colleagues, and most of all, the woman he loved more than anything. His girlfriend of the past 2 years, was he just supposed to leave her? Hang her up and forget everything they had together? If he was to do this, he'd be gone for who knows how long. Thousands of miles away on a whole new continent and a country he'd hardly known anything about. A country she'd known nothing about. He couldn't ask her to drop everything just because he was.

A days long conversation cut short by the urgency of the leap yet full of more tears than he'd ever let off in his life had him in the airport corridor, the thoughts of earlier ringing even louder. One side of him yearned for his other side to cooperate and just turn away, give it up. But he knew he shouldn't, or at least thought he shouldn't. So many decisions made so quickly, decisions he still wasn't sure of. She encouraged him in the same way as his parents and friends, that encouragement of a week before matching the encouragement she let out this morning. Yet so much of him still felt like he was breaking something, losing a piece of him to gain another. Why did there have to be this give and take? Why did he feel like he had to lose his world to follow his dream?

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