slow dance into the night

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Emmy tilted her head up from where she was lazily laying in his lap and pressed a kiss on the bottom of his chin. His arms then went around her waist and pulled her into a hug from behind, followed by a kiss to her shoulder. Their feet, clothed in matching fuzzy socks, interlocked and they rested in the mildly-lit, cozy, and warm log cabin they had rented.

Birds chirped outside the panels of glass that formed the walls. If you could call them that, the walls were completely open, nothing but a few panels of wood that separated the glass into shapes and provided stability. The openness provided impeccable views of the mountains and landscape surrounding them but the height and trees around the house itself allowed for privacy, traits that drew them to this specific place for their vacation. A log cabin deep in the woods of Oregon, complete with tall ceilings, a massive kitchen, and plenty of space even though it was just the two of them.

It was nearing midnight and they had literally done nothing all day, but that was exactly what they wanted. Time to just be together, relax, and think about nothing but each other. It was their favorite way to vacation- their lives were so stressful as is, they didn't see a reason why they needed to add more with booking super extravagant trips with itineraries and all. The first 2 days of their vacation had been spent on the road. For most of their travels they opted to fly out of convenience, but for this trip they chose to drive, and it was mutually one of the greatest decisions they had every made. Hours on the road just for them to talk and listen to one another, interrupted by nothing but other vehicles.

Daveed and Emmy had both been reading books but it had been a long period since either one had turned a page.

"I don't know why I'm still holding this," Daveed laughed as he closed his latest read.

"Me neither," Emmy joined him in laughter and closed her book as well. She took both of the books and placed them on the coffee table that sat before them.

Emmy laid back down into Daveed's lap and his arms went right back into position. He leaned his head on her shoulder, pressing tiny kisses into the side of her neck.

"I love you," he said into her shoulder.

"I love you too," she replied, smiling at the feel of his kisses.

The kisses slowed and Daveed simply laid his head atop Emmys shoulder, tightening the envelope that was his hold on her. Suddenly, Emmy sat up and raised her finger towards one of the glass windows. "Is that an owl?" Now fully standing up from the couch.

"Huh?" Daveed asked, perplexed.

"Come here, " said Emmy, grabbing his hand and pulling him from his seat, "Look."

"Holy shit," Daveed said, completely in awe of the full sized owl that sat right outside their window.

It was a large adult owl with big bulging eyes and great brown tinted feathers all over its body. Both Daveed and Emmys eyes widened at the sight that stood before them. Nothing like they'd every seen before but something they'd never forget.

Once the owl took notice of the two people staring at it, it flew away like any other bird would. The suddenness erupted giggles from Emmy and subsequently Daveed, the come and go of the bird like waves crashing then flowing away from a shore.

"I think we scared it," Emmy said, still toppled over with laughs.

"We probably did," Daveed replied, now laughing more at Emmy than he was the owl.

His gaze wandered to the large grandfather clock that stood adjacent to the television. "Wow, almost 1am hmm.. if we were at home, i'd be sneaking out of the bed to get a snack right about now," he laughed and pulled her into a loose side hug.

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