In the Village

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As our two young heroes continued to find the artifact they were unable to realize the danger and love they were about to find.

As our two heroes were being brought into Umoja Uraraka thought of what all the females would now that she had defended a man. 'Oh I know Mina will here about this and will ask me so many questions and will play matchmaker as usual' she thought. Prince Todoroki looked at his female accomplice at was shocked at what he saw. Her cheeks were even more red when she was in deep thought. 'How cute'. Then suddenly someone shouted "AH BABE YOUR BACK!!" and the prince and the mage snapped their heads and looked up. A young woman with pink hair, pink skin and yellow horn/antennas was running up to Uraraka. "Mina?!!" Exclaimed Uraraka in disbelief.  "Yeah babe it's me and Oh-Ho-Ho who is this hottie right next to you? Is he your boyfriend?" Mina stated. The brunette cheeks flushed even more red. "W-what y-you know I-I don't h-have a b-boyfriend Pinky" she stammered very embarrassingly that her good friend said that in front of the prince. Todoroki was stunned at what the pink haired and skinned women had bluntly asked if he was her boyfriend. 'Well I mean she is cute and I wouldn't m- Wait what the hell am I thinking she's just a friend right'. Thought Todoroki. Then after they were called to the Queens temple to discuss their mission.

Hi everyone I'm ok. I'm sorry it's been awhile but I'm slowly getting back in gear. But anyway that line "she's just a friend" sounds like Adrain Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug would say to Marinette. In comments tell me if your agree. 

Also I'm starting a question of the chapter and you may give me a question (please not to personal) to answer in the comments  so if I don't pick I'm really sorry but I'll try to get everyone hopefully. 

Ok the Question Of the Chapter is if you were an animal what would it be and why?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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