The 1st And 2nd Meeting

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Todoroki's POV 

              My father called me in into the throne room for a reason that is unknown to me though I probably know what it was for. When I got to the throne room they announced that I was there to the king and I heard HIM boom " let him in"!! When I walked in we started our 'friendly' little chat about how someone meaning me needed to get married soon. "Son as the crown prince you need to do this for the sake of the kingdom you need to get married before you get crowned king" the king said. "I'm not going to force someone with the burden of being the wife of someone who is just a weapon and if they don't love me! I don't care if I become king or not! I don't know why you give the crown to your youngest son instead of your eldest son that's alive or your daughter!" I yelled. "Because their failures!" The kinged boomed. "Just because they didn't get your powers at birth does not mean they are failures! Them and mom were just trying to protect me from you and they did a good job! And was because of you that Touya you eldest son died because you worked him to hard!" I yelled. I heard a gasp and I saw Fuyumi and Natsuo standing there looking at me all in bewilderment and the king was silent. "I resign as crown prince and I'm leaving with my horse and don't come looking for me because I'm sick of the Royal life" I said turning my back on my 'father' and my siblings and I left for the stables to get my horse. "Little did he know that is what fate had in store for him is that he would see the young girl from when he was younger". 

                                                                        At the same time

Uraraka's POV 

                 The Monoma family called me to speak about my birthday since when you turn 18 years old you can leave your family and family work. As I got to the family living room madam Monoma calls me over and asks " dear beautiful child do you want leave and see the world with your knight friend"? "Madam Monoma I would love too but my parents need help here and my powers will send everyone running from me" I reply softly meaning my words. "Dear child your so selfless and you can always come back whenever you want to and the world needs your here" Madam Monoma says with a sweet smile and the door burst open and Master Monoma and Neito Monoma came and then the fight started. "Why are you letting her go"! Yelled Master Monoma. "Because she served us enough and I already signed the papers to let her go she can't come back to work for us by force unless she comes back willingly" Madame Monoma said calmly. "Uraraka go now" the Madame says and I go and fly on my staff and I'm now free and help Iida and Midoriya and Tsuyu on the quest to find what happened to Midoriya's father. Now I must go find them and hopefully the young monoma doesn't find cause I know he likes and his lust for me is the roof or more of his mansion. "Little did she know that is what fate had in store for her is that she would see the young boy from when she was younger".

Todoroki's POV 

              As I got my horse Snow White (I made the name up) and I went to the village with my cloak. As I went to buy some food with the coins in my purse and a girl bumped into me as I was coming out the alley. "Oops I-I'm s-so sorry sir I-I didn't" she starts then freezes and looks shocked at what she sees. I turn my head and see a man walking around the market to where  we were. As she ran and hide behind Daylight the man came up to me and asked "excuse me sir but did you see a girl wearing a light pink jumper dress with a hat and staff"? He's talking about the girl I bumped into and she looked scared to see him so I replied "no I didn't but I'll keep a lookout for her". And he left and the girl came out with a relief look on her face. "Thank you for not telling Monoma were I was" she thanked me and I asked "who is that guy an ex lover of yours"? "O-oh no I never loved him once he just lusts over me since I was 15 and he hated e when I was younger ever since I've been in service to his parents and I've finally got to escape by his mother who loved me like a daughter" she says in emotions mixed together. Silence between became intense until she snapped her head up and said "oh no Tsuyu Iida and Deku won't like if I'm late to meet them now". And as she was about to run away something snapped and I grabbed her arm and asked "what's your name"? She looked down and replied "I can't tell you that I'm sorry sir I really must go and hopefully I can repay you for keeping me safe and maybe we'll meet again". And she ran to the woods. But even after she left I still felt like I knew her from somewhere and I performed the same scene before but where? I just have this feeling we might just be seeing more of each other more.

Uraraka's POV 

              Thank goodness for that man who helped me by not turning me into lord Monoma"s son Neito. When  I was running into the forest to meet Tsuyu Deku and Iida I kept having a feeling that I meet that man before and I've lived that scene we just did before. And I have this feeling that I might see more of that man more. As I got to the base I went to my room to get my staff I put there for safe keeping so that Neito wouldn't have been able to access it or take it from me. After reclaimed my staff I went to go find the farmer boy the knight and the frog-like-baker girl (which was my fault she is like that but she likes it). When I got to the main office I heard say something about the royals and a prince they wanted to recruit to our team. "Oh Uraraka your here finally" yelled Deku "your two minutes and 7.2 seconds late where were you" Iida asked yelling at me. "Oh I was in the market and lord Monoma's son came looking for me and a nice man in a hood saved me from being taken back" I said. "Well your here no kero that's what matters kero more right" Tsuyu asked. "So who are we going to recruit to our team" I asked. Deku said "well we are first going to ask the resigned crowned prince because of his magic power of half cold half hot and the dragon prince my childhood friend and for his explosive power". "And their names are Prince Todoroki Shouto and prince of the dragons Bakugou Katsuki" Iida said waving his hands very weirdly. Then they show me a picture of the two princes. And when I look at the picture the young dual-haired prince looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. "So who are we going to ask first and where can we find them" I ask still observing the picture of the prince of the kingdom. "Well Iida worked personally with the prince to train him with a sword and he was particularly close with Iida and he hangs mostly on his horse in a secret cave in a spring where his mother used to go when he was younger until the queen was banished for putting a scar on his left eye and I also heard he resigned from crowned prince and he yelled at his father about his siblings and how his dead brother is dead cause of the king" Deku explains and I'm shocked that the prince stood up to the king. And know I'm being put with the others to go find the prince and the creek we're we heard where he was and we split up to cover more ground. Then I heard a horse's cry of pain and I ran to go find the horse. When I find the horse I gasp at what I see I see two horses a beautiful Snow White horse and a Midnight Black horse that are both on the ground. The black horse snaps up at me and he paws the ground like he's going to charge me. I back up and say " easy easy boy" and place my hand on his head and I look at the white coated horse and I see what's wrong. "Oh I see your protecting her because she's hurt aren't you? Well I can help her I'm a mage and I can heal her" I said to the black horse and bend down to the white horse and place my hand on her left front leg and start heal her leg. And when I was down she jumped up and ran with the black horse. Then I hear a voice behind me saying "thank you for healing Snow White" and I look up and I'm look and I'm looking at two eyes one gray one blue.

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