The Note And The Quest

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Todoroki's POV

               After we got out of the The Room Of Lost Treasures as Uraraka called it I kept thinking of the two kids. They didn't seem from our time as they say but I felt like I knew them before in another world. The whole walk to the base we were quiet until Uraraka said " you can't tell the boys about the cave no matter what your highness please" and I thought how cute she doesn't want to be disrespectful to me she's more respectful than I thought it makes her pretty. Wait what! I answered "of course I won't and you can call me Todoroki so my cover won't be blown Uraraka". "A-Alright your- I mean Todoroki well I wanted to talk about the two kids because I have a feeling I've seen them before but I still can't put my finger out on it where" she says looking up at me with those big beautiful innocent brown eyes. I nodded and said "yes they do". And before I could say anything else a beautiful white dove flew to us with a paper that looked like a note and Uraraka grabbed the note and read it with her eyes growing wide with excitement as she read the note and she handed me the note and I read it. It said

                         Greetings Prince Todoroki and Uraraka,

                      We were able to find Kacchan and Kirishima his dragon and we will be coming back soon so expect two to three days time for us to come back. Iida told me to write this but he hopes that you guys are still innocent and Prince Todoroki if you don't what that means Uraraka might know what that means.

                   From your friends Midoriya, Iida, and Tsuyu plus Kacchan and Kirishima.

            I looked at Uraraka with a curious look on what Iida told Midoriya to write that he hopes that we are still innocent. She was red in the face when she saw me looking for explanation for that and she asks stuttering "u-um w-why a-are y-you l-looking at m-me l-like t-that"? "What do they mean by innocent. Midoriya and Iida talked to me about this doing the dirty with you before they left so I wonder what the fuss is" I say looking at her and she began to turn as red as her cheeks. "Oh wait when did the note say that they would be coming back again your highness" she asks. "In two to three days at least" I reply and her face turns into a panic look. "Oh no! I didn't mention this to you but time in the secret room runs slowly so the few minutes we spent in the cave meant we missed a day of our personal time!" She explains in a frantic voice and a panicked look on her face. "What"?" I asked and before she could respond we heard something coming towards us and and we saw five figures coming towards us. Three of them we knew while two others was unknown to both of us. "Uraraka! Prince Todoroki! Please come and introduce yourselves to Bakugou the dragon prince and Kirishima his dragon" Iida say (well more like demanded) as we walk over and he's pointing at the blonde boy and the red haired boy. Bakugo the blonde boy looked me and Uraraka over as if he was thinking we were good enough to be walking or seen with him. "Why the fuck is your face so round Round Face and what about your cheeks the hell does it look like mochi for" the dragon prince yelled in Uraraka's face as she was backing up in fear. "W-Well it's not really m-my fault m-my mom l-looks l-like m-me s-so u-um" she was cut off when Bakugou yelled "I don't care!" Then he turned and looked at me. "You!! Are you this Half n Half bastard rinse I hear everyone chatting about how you fucking yelled at your father and how much pathetic pity they have for you! So what are you going to say for yourself!!" He yelled. I looked at him and said in my monotone voice and a straight face "I'm sorry that it bothers you so much" and that sent him over the top and he made a explosion in his hand to intimidate me and I stood there and pushed Uraraka behind me so she won't get hurt. Suddenly the red haired boy grabbed Bakugou by his cape and pulled him away and introduced himself to us. "Hello I'm Kirishima Bakugou's dragon and you two must be the mage Uraraka and Prince Todoroki" he said sticking his hand to shake and I took it and Uraraka nervously shook his hand too. "I'm sorry about Bakugou's actions he just gets angry easily and likes to be feared by everyone so you guys will probably get used to it but maybe not as quick as his highness here" he apologized and explained. Before we could respond we were called by Midoriya from the map room to come up and I looked a Uraraka to lift us and she did as I said when she looked at me. "But little did the prince and the mage this would be the start of a journey together called love".

Uraraka's POV

               Oh god!! Bakugou scared me out of my skin. Suddenly Deku is calling all of us to the map room and I catch his highness's eye that tells me to float us up there to save time. When we got to the map room we stood in a circle around the magic map. "Uraraka if you wouldn't mind" Deku asked. I nodded and tapped the map with my staff and let Deku take control of the map with magic ring I enchanted when we first met. He made a object in the air from the map and said "I've found out that we need some items that will help us on this journey to find my father and the object we need is called the ladies touch and it's a ring that's is gold and full of precious stones and it's located in Umoja an all ladies village" Deku explained looking at me and Tsuyu when we gave looks of shock and surprise. Iida continued "I know the boss is weak to both fire and ice so we are sending Prince Todoroki and one of the girls since both then go and a visits the ruler of Umoja Momo Yaoyorozu since you both had saved her". Me and Tsuyu looked at each other. "I'll go" I said and Tsuyu looks at me and says " Uraraka are you sure I'll go for you" "no" I replied "I know the clan will go crazy when they see me but I'm sure I can get his highness in the clan unless they took another man into their clan besides Dabi". "Wait the fuck do you mean by that Round Face!!" Bakugou yelled. "The Umoja clan takes two to three men if they prove to be worthy enough to be in the group though luckily for Dabi him and a girl my friend named Toga  was in love and was fixing to get married when they stumbled upon the village and he risked his life for Toga and they were accepted in and had a son" I explained. "Wait so there is one spot for one more guy"? Kirishima asked. I shook my head "no children that are lost boy or girl are raised until full adulthood where they can come back and visit only but since Dabi saved Toga his son is able to stay in the village forever as long he doesn't do anything bad" I say. "Well since that is explained your highness and Uraraka please go pack up and get ready for the journey" Iida said as we were walking leaving him alone and silently cursing under his breath for not telling us earlier. As I was leaving the room his highness Prince Todoroki pulled me aside. "Oh hello your highness do you need something" I asked nervously as I looked up at him. "I need you to call me Todoroki when we are at Umoja I don't want them to blow where I am to my father and also can enchant my sword so that for this mission it has fire and ice power like me" he asked looking deep in my eyes. "Uh yes of course your highness" I say and I held out my hand for his sword. He handed it to me and I casted a spell on it so at the end of this quest it will turn back it's normal form. I handed him his sword back and was about to leave but his highness grabbed my wrist and asked "do I need a disguise for this trip"? "Well for you I think you just need a cloak your highness" I answer and he nodded and let go of my wrist and he left and I left after to my room to grab all I needed for this quest. In my closet I needed to find the "clothes" they called acceptable in Umoja. Since there was no men where we were going the women wear revealing clothing and I really didn't like it as I was a guardian of the queen of Umoja I had to wear it so I packed it and went to the stables. When I got there Prince Todoroki was there and we saddled up and he helped me get onto  Black Night even though I told him is wasn't necessary and we were off. "And little did the mage and prince know that this was the start of love".

    I'm sorry this chapter is a little shorter than normal but the later chapters will be longer.

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