The Start Of A Journey Called Love

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Narrator's POV   

         As Prince Todoroki and Mage Uraraka were heading to Umoja Uraraka needed to stop at a place to do something that was on the way to Umoja. "Prince Todoroki can we stop I need to do something special" Uraraka asks looking up at the prince. Prince Todoroki looked into her chocolate eyes. "Beautiful" he thought and he replied "alright where are we going to stop"? She pointed to a tree trunk and Todoroki looked at her confused. Then she got her horse Black Knight and grabbed her staff and casted a spell and to Todoroki's surprise a door appeared. "I still can't believe your a mage Uraraka and full of so much surprises" Todoroki said as he was getting off Snow White. Uraraka blushed and opened the door. And when Uraraka did Todoroki was in shock when he saw the room.

          "What is this place Uraraka?" He asked looking at her. "This is where I would stay when the mistress Monoma let me go when it was time to practice my magic when it became to much for me to control" Uraraka explained as she lit the place. "And since I was lonely being the "witch" of the town I was bullied and isolated from the other kids but one day I was buying some shopping down for the master and mistress Monoma I was being treated roughly by some older boys when a young boy helped me" Uraraka explains. "Do remember his name or what he looked like"? Prince Todoroki asked. She nodded and said "I only remember what he was wearing before I had to go". "What was he wearing"? Todoroki asked again. "He was wearing a royal robe so he might be the son of lord or general but I didn't see him again after that" she said. Todoroki nodded and Uraraka left the room to change into her tribe outfit. When Uraraka came out Todoroki was in big shock. "I-Uraraka what are you wearing?" Todoroki asked he cheeks flushed a little at she was wearing. Uraraka was wearing a black warrior skirt and a black skin tight tank top that showed a bit of skin that todoroki never thought he would see on Uraraka. Uraraka flushed up. "W-well this is what the girls in Umoja wear on a daily and as a guardian of the queen of Umoja and guardian of the village I have to wear this. If you don't like it I'll take it off" she said panicking. "No! If you have to wear it just wear it. Besides it makes you look beautiful." Todoroki said in a straight face. If you guys are wondering or getting confused todoroki will only show emotion to people he has deep connections with like his horse and Uraraka in later chapters. Just wanted to let you know since I realized it was kinda confusing to me. Now back to the story. That made Uraraka flush up even more and said "your highness please we must get going as Umoja is on deep guard at night. So they got back on the two horses and rode off. 

            Hello again!! I'm sorry this chapter is real short and I'm sorry. I'm was trying this chapter out in third person and I'm kinda losing my inspiration so I'm going to take a break and find my inspiration again. Also if this sucks tell me or yell at me it sucks and I'll keep doing characters POV. Thanks again.

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