The Secret Room Of Lost Treasures

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Uraraka's POV 

           I woke real early the next day so we could get ready to find the king of the dragons and Deku's childhood friend Bakugo Katsuki and his companion a big scary dragon. As I was heading to the stable in my under dress clothes and with my dress in hand and that's when I heard some commotion coming from the stables so I ran to go see what was going on. As I got into the stables I saw red and white hair and I gasped and hid behind a stale door that we had named as Snow White's stable since it was the nicest we had and she was the first to get there and Black Night didn't seem to mind his friend getting the nicest home. Black Night was right next to Snow White when I got her stable and to me looked like I had interrupted a 'special' moment between them so I left the stable to give then some 'alone time'. Then suddenly I ran into a tall hard figure and I looked up and gasped. It was Prince Todoroki and even worse for me he was shirtless and wet like just came from a bath and he was looking at me wide eyed and he was looking me up and down and when he did he flushed up. And at the moment I felt really self conscious and covered my chest with my arms and my dress and turn around and stammered " O-oh h-hello p-prince t-todoroki I-I didn't s-see y-you t-there haha w-what a coincidence r-right". "Right and Uraraka you can call me Todoroki after all I'm the resigned crown prince after all and I don't want my cover being blown that I'm here" he said and turned me around to face him. I looked up into his mix matched eyes and said "w-well I will try but still as much as you say you are the resigned crowned prince everyone knows what the prince looks like and you are still a prince no matter what your highness". He was about to respond when we heard Iida yelling for us and dropped my dress and ran to the stables back door and looked out. "Ah shit! It's Iida I don't need another lecture from him like he's my father or something" I said and I turned to the prince and handed me my dress and motioned for me to go silently to the river and pretend I was there instead of here. So I ran through the back door of the stables to the river and got soaking wet and waited. Not long after I heard a "ah Prince Todoroki I'm sorry to interrupted and I'm  glad to find you here but we need you and Uraraka to come to the meeting room and anyway have you seen Uraraka it's most important she comes too". "Well she's not here for all I know but she could be in the lake taking a bath though I wouldn't walk in on a lady that's bathing she may give you a lecture" his highness answered. As I was getting out I heard footsteps behind me and I saw Iida and that's when I screeched like a banshee. "Iida can't you give a girl some privacy for once"! I yelled clearly angry that I was caught close to nakedness. "I'm sorry Uraraka but we need you and Prince  Todoroki to come immediately after" saluted Iida and he left me with the prince. I put on my dress cowl and hat and grabbed my staff and left with the prince to the meeting room. The silence was really awkward between us because of what happened this morning and we went to the meeting room where we were meet with concerned faces of Deku, Tsuyu, and Iida and I knew something big was really going to happen soon. 

Todoroki's POV 

         As me and Uraraka were walking to the meeting room I still kept thinking about how cute she was in her underclothes. Ugh!! I'm becoming a pervert now!! When me and Uraraka got to the meeting room with concerned looks on the other three people in the room and I looked at Uraraka in confusion and the look on her face told me she knew something was up and I got concerned. "Since us three know what's going on we are going to fill you two in. As you both know we are looking for Katsuki Bakugo my childhood friend and rumor has it that he has a dragon and is training near the ever blowing volcano so you to will be our back up team since it's dangerous if all five of us go up there at once, while us three will go and find Kacchan and ask him to help us in this quest though if I know Kacchan it will take a loooonng time to convince him to come with us" Midoryia said and started to mumble about his plan making to himself. I guess Uraraka was right she did get that rambling bit from Midoriya but I just wonder if he's going to pass out from doing that. After that it was kinda chaotic with me and the guys. I kept getting from lectures from Iida about how I can't do anything 'dirty' to Uraraka whatever the hell that means. Me and Uraraka spent our few days with helping the others get ready for their journey to find this Bakugo and this dragon of his. I can already tell why he is the dragon prince. So then when it was time to leave Uraraka gave the trio a protective charm so they would be safe from harm that comes their way. Then they were off and gone there was a dead silence between us and she left to do...... actually I don't really know what she does but then I left do I can train with my magic and sword. Then I realized that nobody really showed me around the camp so I didn't where the training room is so that meant I would ask Uraraka where everything but that would make things between us more awkward saying what happened this morning between us. Since I didn't want to make things even weirder between us I just went to make some food for us since the kitchen  was the only place besides the meeting room and and my room I knew where the room was located. I decided to make to make my favorite food zarusoba and I made extra for Uraraka if she wanted some. As I was going to give Uraraka her plate I saw someone walking to the stables and they were wearing a pink dress and a staff like..... URARAKA!!! I ran to go catch up to her and see where she was going. As I followed her and was about to yell when I saw her open a secret door and she went in and I followed her to make sure she was going to be ok. And when I went in what I saw amazed me.

Uraraka's POV 

            After Deku, Iida, and Tsuyu left there was silence between me and Prince Todoroki and then I left to go to my room to collect my stuff so I can go to a special place only me and Tsuyu found that the boys didn't know about. The place I was going to was a secret room in the stables that me and Tsuyu would call the secret room of lost treasure as because I had lost an important spell one day and it was in the secret room when we found it. As I was heading to the stables I made sure Prince Todoroki didn't see me and follow me. As I was leaving and heading towards the stables I felt like I was being followed by someone but when I looked back I didn't see anything or anybody so I brushed it off and kept going to the back of the stables where Snow White's stable was and went to the wall and used my staff to make the magic door. As I did that the door came to my view and then I was about to undo the lock when I realized that I had no one else to lock and close the door. I sighed. Oh well I'll wait for Tsuyu to come home ( I mean she won't be gone long right?) and then we will lock the door. When I went in what shocked me was that there was two little two year old toddlers in the room looking very scared and were very happy to see me. "Oh hello there where are your parents?" I asked bending low so that I could show them I was harmless. The 2 little boys looked at me and the boy with white hair said "Well me and my friend here was playing around with my momma and twin brother and she was showing us how she makes doors and portals to other realms and we accidentally was pushed into the portal because we were fooling around when we were told not to". "No! That's not what happened" the green haired boy said and he started to argue with the white haired boy while the white haired boy was so calm. "Well if you want I could make a portal to get you home but my magic needs a little more magic to help" I say with sadness. Then I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and turned me around. "O-oh your highness it's so nice to see you here uh how did you get in here"? I asked stuttering. "Well you left the front door open and anyway we need to get these two home so use my magic and we will be having a long talk later" Prince Todoroki said  and I got scared for that talk and so I said the magic word and then the portal to the two boys world and they had to leave. When they had left Prince Todoroki took me by the hand and dragged me out of the room and he said "lock the door" and I replied "ok" and took his hand to where two hands are to be placed and out his hand there and put my hand in the the other outline of a hand. And with that done we walked back and their was silence between us until I said "you can't tell anyone bot that room no matter what your highness" and replied "Todoroki call me Todoroki and I won't". I sighed and he asked "what do you call that room it seems important to you as it has paintings and pictures of you and what I believe is your family"? "Well it is and it's called The Room Of Lost Treasure but those kids they looked familiar but I can't tell you where I saw them" I replied and he said "yes they do". And before we could talk about it more a bird came to us with a message and I immediately knew who it was from and I read the later and my face light up in shock as I handed the letter to His- I mean Todoroki.

            This chapter is dedicated to Da_Mochi who supports me in every chapter I post for my stories so thank you to her. 

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