The Mage

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              In the same land there was a girl born a little less than a year to the prince but unlike the prince she wasn't born rich. But she did have a magical gift like the prince. She was a mage or to persistent of what the town called her a witch. Her family worked for the Monoma  family and their job was to clean the manor for money. Uraraka also had to work but there was one thing she hated about this job was Neito the first son of the Monoma family and he was a bully to her. Though she knew a knight-in-training named Tenya Iida. Through she is bound to live with her parents until she is 18 and working for Neito until then she was happy. Though she always knew she was a mage not everyone took it well just because she was different. So one day she was going to the market she was cornered by two eight year old boys. "Hey look it's the weakling witch maybe we should take her money since she won't do anything to us like the weakling she is" one said glaring at her. Suddenly someone yelled "hey leave her alone"! She looked to see a boy with red and white hair coming up to them and helped her up and pulled her behind him. "Serves her right after all she is the witch the freak" the taller boy said. "So that doesn't mean he deserves to be treated like this unless did she do any thing wrong" the boy said. For some reason he looks so calm while saying that. The boys then walked away and he asked her "are you ok"? I looked him up and down on his attire and was wearing a lord's robe. "Oh yes I'm fine thank you for helping me" she said with a bright smile. Suddenly they both heard a bell rung in the forest and she had a look of worry. "Oh no mother will not be happy if  have returned home so late" she said looking around nervously and was about to run until the boy grabbed her wrist and asked "what's your name"? "I can't tell you I have to leave now" she yelled as she pulled away from him. When Uraraka got to the mansion she gave the groceries to her mother and got punished for being late home and went to go do her chores. Later she thought of the boy. But what she didn't know is that fate will had in store for her and how she would see more and more of the boy in the future but not in a way she would have expected.

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