Wake up calls (Mammon x reader)

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Spoilers for the text convo "Wake-up Caller Wanted"

Not 100% happy with this and it feels kind of rushed in my opinion, but just needed to get it out of my drafts.

Hopefully you enjoy!!💕

Word count, 2,100


The familiar chime signaling you've just received a message pulls you from the edge of sleep. You sleepily reach a hand out to your bed stand, feeling around for your D.D.D.

You turn it on, blinking against the blinding light of the screen in the dark of your room.

It's from Mammon.


Tomorrow, d'ya mind givin' me a call and wakin' me up?

Sounds easy enough, of course you can help him out. After all, he is 100% less likely to ignore you than his alarm.

You send him back a cheery demon sticker that says "ok." His reply comes back within seconds, just like always. You can't help but smile as you imagine him somewhere in his room, staring at his own phone, excitedly waiting for your response.

Nice! I knew you'd have my back on this!

Of course you'd have his back, you always do. You're just about to tell him so when another message, and then another comes through.

See. Lucifer's got me on cookin' duty tomorrow mornin' and...

...I can't go flakin' on him by oversleepin', ya get me?

Not even two seconds later another couple of messages pop up. You laugh softly and roll your eyes, he never does let you get a word in edgewise does he?

And hey! Don't go thinkin' this is some sorta punishment!

Sometimes the guy's just got no choice but to trust the infallible Mammon! He should be so proud!

Your heart breaks just a little at reading that last line, knowing that he wants to be trusted and prided in by others more than anything, more than any amount of money or riches.

He is proud of you, Mammon.

And so am I.

The checkmark indicating he's read your messages pops up, though he doesn't respond. But you don't care, because you know he's completely shut down at reading your words. He's all talk until someone compliments or praises him, and then he doesn't know what to do, poor thing.

But you'll continue to shower him with your words until he finally accepts and revels in them. He deserves so much, and you've resolved to be the one to give it to him.

Before going back to sleep, you set your alarm a little bit earlier than it already was so you have enough of a buffer to wake him up, because a call just won't do.


Now it's the obnoxious melody of your alarm that wakes you up, you groan softly as you reach to silence it. You want so badly to stay for just a few more minutes, but you can't.

Time is of the essence, you're going to wake Mammon up in person.

You stretch a little before leaving the warmth of your bed and covers, taking a moment to straighten them. You step into your slippers, and grab a sweatshirt because the House of Lamentation is always rather chilly first thing in the morning.

And that's one thing you miss from the human realm, the sunrises and gentle rays that would trickle in through your bedroom window, warming you.

As you slip the sweatshirt over your head, you quickly realize it's one of Mammon's that he's left not-so-accidentally behind in your room. His scent, comforting in it's familiarity, wraps around you.

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