lucky - lucifer x reader fluff

491 16 0

** Some slight spoilers, wouldn't recommend reading unless you've made it to at least lesson 20

Word count, 806


The door to his study creaks open, momentarily pulling him from his thoughts and the mountain of paperwork spread across his desk in various stages of completion.

He looks up, his heart warming as his eyes land on the intruder.


He can't help but wonder, just how did this human burrow so deep in his heart that he couldn't let them go even if he wanted to.

He watches them as they make their way to his side, a fond smile appears on his face.

"Hey, just coming to make sure you're alive."

It's said in a gently teasing tone, no one is unaware of his workaholic tendencies, even them. Nothing escapes their watch.

He takes their hand in his, brushing a tender thumb across their knuckles before bringing it to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss as he looks at them. 

He then moves to rest their hand above his heart, letting them feel the steady beating under their palm.

"I'm still here."

Their eyes glaze over with so many emotions, though he's able to name a few. Relief, peace, adoration.

They enjoy a few quiet moments of simply gazing at each other, but all too soon their expression turns softly curious.

"I've got a question, and I'm surprised I've never really wondered or asked it before..."


"Does taking on your demon form hurt?"

He's surprised, not by their question but rather how to answer and he really has to think about it a moment, pain is subjective to him, always has been.

"It doesn't cause me any physical pain no, at least not anymore-"

He can't help the haunted melancholic tone his voice takes on, it almost sounds foreign and unfamiliar to him, like someone else is talking.

"In the earlier days, just after the fall it did. My body just wasn't used to it yet I suppose."

Suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable, his eyes have taken to staring at a document on his desk. He feels a gentle hand on his shoulder, his heart warms slightly at the tender encouragement they provide through such a simple gesture.

"Now, depending on how long I stay in that form, I can get really tired afterwards, but no it doesn't hurt anymore."

Now he looks up, locking eyes with them once more.

"Does that answer your question?"

They nod softly, a little confirming hum escaping them.

"So if I asked you to change right now so I can try something, would you?"

Confusion swirls in his mind, eyes narrowing in suspicion. 

"It's nothing strange or inappropriate, I promise."

He didn't suspect that, but it's a relief nonetheless.

"I suppose."

He stands from his desk and wills his form to change. His large wings quickly unfurling, causing a little gust of wind to knock his paperwork onto the floor, but he can deal with it later. His horns curling and rustling his hair.

He feels vulnerable once more, small under their gaze. Ironic given his intimidating state. Gentle eyes roaming over him, his domineering wings, his spiraling horns. He's always afraid they'll look at him with fear, contempt, he deserves it after threatening to kill them multiple times.

But they never do.

And it's the same today, they gently cradle his face, he melts into the warmth of their touch, his hands coming up to softly grip their wrists, keeping them close.

They guide his face closer to them as they lean in, then their soft lips are kissing his forehead. A gentle peck to the diamond in the middle, they linger a moment.

Suddenly there isn't enough air in the room, his heart racing, almost aching with pure adoration. The tenderness of their actions, the kiss, it's too much. His cheeks even warm ever so slightly, the faintest tinge of pink across his face.

So that's what they wanted to try?

They really are the sweetest, most precious being he's met in all the realms. What did he do to deserve them? How many millenia's worth of luck did he use up for their paper to land at his feet when he was selecting the second exchange student?

A tiny, smitten and overjoyed giggle escapes him as he pulls them into his arms, tucking his head against their shoulder.

They return his embrace, winding their arms around him, hands tenderly threading through his feathers.

His pride however can't allow him to be the only one flustered, so he sets about getting payback as he reverts back to his preferred, non demon form. 

He presses quick, fleeting but no less gentle kisses to every possible spot across the crown of their head, their face, their forehead, savoring each laugh they let out as they try to half-heartedly squirm away from his onslaught of affection. 

He swears he's the luckiest and happiest demon in the Devildom.

obey me x gender neutral reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now