Lucifer mini fluff alphabet

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Again, I was planning to do the full alphabet but got stuck and wanted to share what I had 🤷

word count, 1,055


A - Activities; How do they like to spend time with you?

He's not the most spontaneous guy, but if you're the more adventurous one he is more than happy to go along.

Come into his office, put on one of his records and pull him from his desk for a dance. He'll pull you in close, one hand pressed to the small of your back, the other hand holding yours and his head leaning into the crook of your neck or chin resting on the top of your head.

At the end of a long day full of meetings, deadlines and his brother's antics, he's glad he can wind down with you. You don't even have to be doing the same thing, he loves when he's reading or simply resting his eyes and you're doing your own thing, both of you in comfortable silence because just being near each other is enough.

C - Comfort; How would they help you if you felt down/were having a panic attack?

He knows your signs and tells well, he's sometimes even able to see it coming before you do. So he'll quickly get you somewhere quiet, secluded and away from others. 

He's heard that some humans like weighted blankets or weight in general to ground them, so he'll wrap his long, heavy coat around your shoulders, not caring if it drags on the floor. He also hopes the warmth from it mixed with his familiar scent helps.

But if you need sound, he'll take you to his room and put on one of his classical records. He'd never mention it to you but he's heard of a rare record in the Devildom that has specific notes that calm humans, he's been looking for it for situations just like this. He's even put Satan on it's trail, given his wide circle of contacts and collectors.

If you're just feeling down or sad, he's there to listen. If you don't want to talk that's ok too, he'll sit with or hold you in silence. He's not the best at comforting others, or even himself. But if you want him to read to you, or start a bath he's on it.

He's going to make sure you get something to eat and drink, even if you don't down much of it. He just wants your body to have a least a little bit in it.

N - Nicknames; What do they call you?

Any nicknames you already have and are comfortable with. My darling, my love. My sunlight or sunshine because to him you're just so bright and warm. 

Every once in a while he'll call you a string of sweet names, his voice dripping with adoration.

"My love and light, my absolute pride and joy, the one who has my heart forever, my darling, I love you."

P - PDA; Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?

Everyone knows he's taken, and that you're his lover or partner. It's that pride of his.

However, he's pretty subtle in public when it comes to touching you. A gentle hand on your lower back here, fingers slipping between yours there. He'd rest his hand on your thigh under the table when you go out for dinner. If he's feeling especially affectionate, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulders, pull you close and press a gentle kiss to your temple.

Now that's not to say that if he happened to catch some lower level demon staring at you or checking you out.. He would pull you into a passionate, heated kiss in the middle of the street to make sure they know to back the fuck up. He'd stare at them, ruby eyes flaring and they run off.

If it ever started to rain, he'd scoop you up in his arms and run to the nearest building or dry place until the rain dies down.

T - Thrill; Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?

Like I mentioned earlier, he's not the most spontaneous guy, but he tries. He'd definitely surprise you with tickets to a performance you said you'd like to see. 

If you mentioned wanting to show him something in the human realm, he's clearing his schedule for a few days so he can take you on a quick trip.

W - Wild Card; A random Fluff Headcanon.

He really is very thoughtful. He'd be on his way back to the House of Lamentation after meeting with Diavolo in his palace. He'd see a flower that reminds him of you, or that he thinks you'd like, so he'll bring it back for you.

X - XOXO; Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?

So, he's more reserved and subtle in public. But behind closed doors and in the haven of his room or study? It's like a switch has been flipped inside of him because he simply can't hold you close enough or get enough of your touch.

He loves tucking his head against your shoulder. He loves when your hands play with his hair, or when you drape your arms around him from behind. 

He just seems like the type to run cold (I mean, he wears that big ass cloak coat all the time,) even for a demon, so he loves your warmth. 

If you're holding his hands, want to warm them up and fluster him? Stick them in the back pockets of your pants. 

Y - Yearning; How will they cope when they’re missing their partner? 

On the outside he's fine, but inside he's a mess. 

Imagine having to go back to the human realm for some reason, and circumstances prevent Lucifer from accompanying you. Rationally he knows you'll be fine, you're a human and you obviously know the realm better than him, so you'll be alright.

But he's so worried about you. What if you get lost? What if someone hurts you? He's only slightly comforted by the fact that if you were in dire need of him you'd summon him.

All he can do is try to go about his day, trying to ignore the way his heart aches to have you safe and by his side again.

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