**NSFW, 18+** hcs

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Let me just preface it with I wholeheartedly believe they're all switches. I don't think they're super hard on sub or dom roles because they prefer to just do whatever they and their partner feel like going with in the moment. It works perfect for them.

Also, since you're human and they're way stronger than you, I highly doubt they'd want to try anything really wild or dangerous for fear of severely hurting you, so there won't be any really hard kinks here.

Please no hate if you don't like these, they're just my personal thoughts and if you don't agree that's fine😌 that's why they're headcanons.

word count, 2,567 😅😈



You were helping Lucifer with paperwork once and he got a papercut. You quickly grabbed his hand and started sucking on the cut to soothe it. He was so caught off guard he simply shut down. His cold and professional wall falling and he was reduced to nothing more than a blushing, stuttering mess as your tongue slid across his finger. 

"Give me a warning next time!"

Lucifer's feathers are secretly sensitive. You barely brush them and he lets out a tiny moan or squeak. He loves if your arms wrapped around him, fingers gripping his feathers as he pounds into you while in demon form🥴 

For lack of better words be scrunches up and hides when he cums. He'll pull you as close as he can, burying his face in the crook of your neck so you can't see how far gone he looks, it's embarrassing and his pride can't take it.

Loves when you sit on his cock while he's finishing up paperwork. His self control and restraint is off the charts and no matter how much you might squirm or move he's not giving in until he's finished with his tasks.

If he's cockwarming you it's a bit of a different story. His resolve steadily slips until he tries to discreetly grind his hips, trying to get your dick to hit his prostate because he's slowly losing his mind by the second.


Mammon likes when you mark him up. it reminds him that he's not so alone anymore because he has you in every way imaginable.

Mammon would make the prettiest sounds and faces good lord. Like his eyes are very hazy, he can barely keep them open. His cheeks and ear are flushed, mouth open as sinful noises tumble out of him.

Long groans from deep inside his chest, quick and panting breaths that occasionally catch in his throat. He's not above whimpering, little broken whines increasing in volume as he gets closer.

He's a senseless rambler, words running together. He feels so good and his mind is absolute mush, and he never remembers what he says afterwards. 


Ohh, M'human~

Please pleas pleasee

Mammon likes playing strip poker with you. Surprisingly, he loses card hands and clothes faster than you do, whether he does it on purpose or not is something you've yet to figure out.

He likes to hold your hand a lot during, and his rings press into your skin.

Stick with me this one is going to be wholesome, promise. It's canon that he sleeps nude. Now, imagine sleeping nude with him, no sex, just cuddling skin to skin against the sheets and under the blankets. It's a soft kind of bonding experience, being able to feel each other's heartbeat and direct body warmth as you drift off together.

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