18+ - Asmo NSFW alphabet A - M

678 11 1

I love this man so much and the brainrot has been real lately, so enjoy lmfao💕

also please no hate if you don't like these, they're just my personal thoughts and if you don't agree that's fine😌 that's why they're headcanons

word count, 2,324


A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)

What happens after is just as important to him as what happens during. He takes aftercare very seriously, he'll run the both of you a bath or if you're sleepy a quick shower, either way he wants both of you clean before lying down. And he always changes the sheets before you slip back into bed.

Once the bed is clean, and you're both freshened up he's going to soothe any achy muscles or sore spots you might have with salve or lotion, his beautiful hands expertly and gently working into your skin. He'll leave lots of ender, absent-minded and straying kisses as he pampers you.

And sure, he could use a healing spell or incantation to speed things up, but it doesn't feel as intimate and special to him.

He'll make sure you get some cold water, and if you're hungry he'll grab you whatever you want. But water always comes first.

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

He loves his thighs and hands. 

His thighs are so soft and plush, he loves when you grip them or trail fingers over the sensitive skin. He also loves when you leave marks on them. He loves hooking and squeezing his thighs around you as you thrust into him, or he rides you.

His hands are beautiful, delicate. But he knows just how to use them. His nimble fingers caress and stroke, trace and flow across your body, in, out and around your most sensitive spots. His hands hold your hips, they cradle your head, soothe your bliss trembling body.

If it's not already, his hand typically finds yours when he gets closer to falling over the edge. His fingers slip between yours, squeezing slightly, his hand is trembling with restraint each time, knowing that if he squeezes any harder he could hurt your hand. Something he never wants.

He loves literally everything about you, but if he had to pick, your stomach and neck.

Your stomach whether it's soft and chubby, flat and toned, whether you have a six pack or not. He doesn't care, it's perfect for trailing kisses along. He loves to lick a slow stripe right below your belly button, smirking softly at the shiver he pulls from you. If he's feeling really playful, he'll leave the gentlest of love bites across your navel and hips, soothing each one with his lips or tongue.

Your neck, where he can savor the pounding of your pulse just below his lips. He just likes feeling how alive you are beneath him. If you're comfortable with it, sometimes he'll slide his hand up until it rests against your throat, though he'll never choke or grip you. Simply, tenderly holding it there, feeling you swallow and the vibrations of your moans below his hand as he pleasures you. His thumb softly stroking your skin every so often.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

He won't even think of being inside you until you've cum at least once, whether by his mouth and tongue or his fingers and hands he doesn't care, as long as you do.

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