**NSFW, 18+** Sub!Lucifer x reader

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Lucifer is overworked and feeling down. He thought he did a pretty good job of hiding it throughout the day, but his lover always sees through his facades.

Much to his pleasure.


giving credit where it's due, i saw the headcanon about Luci having war scars on his hands from this tik tok!

word count, 3,996


Lucifer has been feeling off all day. 

He'd woke up, sleep clinging to him for better half of the morning, his coffee sadly didn't help. His bones felt achy but that had started to dissipate as he'd moved around. 

He'd put on his normal airs, his cool and collected facade, in hopes no one would notice. Not wanting anyone to fret over him, as he'd surely be fine in no time. But as the day went on, he simply couldn't focus on any meetings or tasks because his clothes felt too tight, a headache formed a vice in his head and he simply wanted to pass out under his covers.

So that's where he finds himself now, in his room after dinner (which he'd barely made it through.) He threw his heavy coat over his desk chair, slipped his pinching shoes off and sat down on the edge of his bed, taking a moment to just breathe and to really think about what's causing his low mood, so he can prevent it next time.

Perhaps it's the incessant rain that's been hanging around the Devildom lately, or maybe the mountain of paperwork cluttering his desk that he has no desire to get through. Though the anxiety over not finishing it is just as bad as the anxiety over actually doing it.

Diavolo hadn't been anymore energetic or demanding than usual, and likewise his brothers haven't caused a ridiculous amount of trouble, on the contrary. They've thankfully been rather well behaved as of late and doing well in their classes. Financially everything is fine, there's plenty of food in the house.

So what's wrong with him?

A soft knock on his door distracts him, he crosses a leg over the other, placing his hands behind him on the bed, feigning confidence and power that he simply doesn't feel. He takes a deep, calming and orienting breath before granting permission to come in.

It's MC.

His darling lover, and dare he say, best friend. The two of them haven't seen much of each other outside of RAD responsibilities and meals, as exam season is approaching once again and they're busy preparing, while he's been neck deep in student council tasks.

Oh, how he's missed them.

They gently shut the door behind them, locking it before moving to stand before him. They wear a curious, worried expression that makes his heart burn.

They gently wrap him in their arms, guiding his head to rest against their chest, the beating of their heart soothes him. He uncrosses his legs, allowing him to pull them closer as his arms wrap firmly around their middle. He lets out a content sigh, melting into their warmth.

"What's eating you, my love?"

He opens his mouth to respond, but they interrupt.

obey me x gender neutral reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now