Chapter 18

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Ok, you lazy fucker, you are going to write a good ass chapter. Introduce the characters I could be bi for. Liz is a gold goddess while Ji-hoon is a cute but hot at the same time could-be K-pop idol. Niko is a hyper puppy and Jess has disappeared. Silas runs away from the chaotic mess that is Niko to run into "Wren." who everyone knows is Sang. I mean, everyone isn't dumb and obviously knows who she is. Bonding moment ending with a surprise. Okay, buckle up, because I am lazy and a procrastinator and my readers deserve better.

Silas POV

Screams of terror coming from North's room woke me from my dream in the middle of the night. I had started to get up in fear that he was being attacked by an intruder, but when I heard the distinctive laugh of that demon, I pulled the covers over my head and thanked the gods that I had locked my door earlier. When another scream shattered the calmness once again, I placed my Air Pods into my ears and turned up my music.

Now, don't get me wrong. I will do anything to help my brothers, but this is a lost cause. And I didn't want to get into the middle of things. That's something I've learned through my years living. Never get into the middle of things that you don't need to be into.

I shivered at the memory of the time I was shoved into the middle of an argument between North and Victor. Don't let that Southern charm distract you. Beneath those fiery eyes and soft features is someone you never want to face when angry. That fight ended with him almost dislocating my shoulder and a low shot at North's... well, you know, sensitive parts.

Victor wasn't as bad compared to Niko. He was tame. Like a cute cat who's war cry was a feeble meow. No, Victor angry was sane compared to Niko's being.

The next two hours passed by as I listened to an audiobook. The tale of romance and action in a world full of magic intrigued me, pulling me into an imaginary world. But as I listened to that story, my mind seemed to make Wren appear. She appeared in different forms. Small. Tall. Skinny. Chubby. Cute. Normal. No matter what form she was in, she was beautiful and pulled me in like a moth to a flame.

Knocking on my door made me pull my air pods out tentatively. If it was Niko, I was going to pretend not to be here. Thankfully, for me, it was only Theo who was announcing that breakfast was being served. The heavy footsteps that grew fainter told me that he was leaving.

I stretched my body, grimacing when my shoulders, arms, back, and legs popped. My mind was on Theo. After an incident a few years ago, Theo was caught lighting abandoned buildings on fire. An Academy agent caught him, and for the next year, Theo disappeared. Bampas and Dr. Roberts told me that Theo was undergoing a treatment that was to help him without the added stress. When he came back home, he was like another man. He still had his struggles but was able to overcome them. Theo might not be an Academy member like me, but he was trying to become a support. He was learning our dad's trade in hopes to inherit the small plumbing business and help others in need. Theo had almost worshipped the person who helped him, but he would never tell me or Bampas who that agent was. No matter who they were, they had my respect for helping him when I couldn't.

When I opened the door, Theo was waiting for me. The scent of cedarwood cologne always seemed to calm me without the acrid scent of cigarette smoke that would linger to his skin and clothes. He had given up smoking a while back and it always amazed me what a different person he was.

"I heard screams last night," Theo chuckled lightly. I gripped his elbow in amusement.

"I know. I prayed for them."

My older brother laughed out loud. "Even Zeus could not save them. Instead, you should pray for Niko's depart than surviving."

I nudged him playfully. "Easy for you to say. You don't have to suffer his pranks."

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