Part 5

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Luke POV

I was so bored, stuck to a bed. I was born to be active. To prank others. To ignore North's rants about food and able to run away from his nagging. And now? What do I get? 24-hours 7 days a week stuck in a room with my cute little stepbrother. I rolled my eyes. Cute? God, I must be going crazy. I guess this is what happens when I don't get enough sleep for the past few days.

"Siri, what time is it?" I said to my iphone.

The mechanic voice of Siri answered me. "It is 2 o'clock in the afternoon."

I yawned. Since becoming blind, my time has become screwed, and my sleeping habits have become messed up. I was only sleeping four hours a night, and it was getting to me. I didn't want to take sleeping medication, but my lack of sleep was becoming worse. Insomnia sucks.

I rolled onto my side, hugging my pillow against my body. At least I have my phone and earbuds. Since I was blind, I only had one of my earbuds in my ear so I had at least one of my senses to rely on. Soft rock music filled my ears. I closed my eyes as the song Another Life by Motionless in White played.

A hand touched my shoulder, making me jump in surprise. I didn't notice the door open. Taking the earbud out of my ear, I turned my head towards the person. "Hello?"

"Hi," a soft voice spoke.

A smile came to my face. "Wren?"

"Yes. Luke, right?" The girl who was sweet like a cupcake had reappeared. I already liked her. She was sweet and sneaky.

I nodded, wondering why no one else was speaking. "What are the others doing?"

There was a pause before she spoke. "Gabriel, Nathan, and Sean are listening to something on their phones. Mr. Blackbourne isn't here. I saw Dr. Roberts taking him for another test, and North, Kota, and Silas are taking a nap."

"How did you know that I was awake?"

She giggled. "I've actually been here for about a few minutes. I saw you sighing and moving. I wasn't sure if I could come in or not."

I ran my hand through my hair. I hope that my hair wasn't too messy. I don't even remember the last time I had combed my hair. "It's fine. you can come any time. I haven't been sleeping much."


My head thumped against my pillow. "I have always been an active person. When I lost my eyesight, I found myself stuck to this bed. With nothing to do except sleep and listen to music, I'm tired of sleeping."

"What type of music are you listening to?"

I grinned. "I like rock music."

I could feel the surprise coming from her. "Huh, I'd never peg you for someone who likes rock music." She said this in a tone as if she was hesitant to say this in fear of me getting angry.

I laughed. "Most people don't. I don't like hard rock, but more the "rock and roll" kind."

"I don't listen to rock music that much."

"So what kind of music do you like?" I asked, wanting her to talk more.

She sighed. "All sorts. Mostly classical but I have a soft part for Korean and Japanese pop music."

"Would you like to listen to some of my music?"

She paused, making me anxious of her answer. Slowly she answered back. "Sure."

Scooting over as much as I could on my bed, I was on my side and patted the bed. "Come here."

I could feel her stare on me. "Luke," She warned.

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