Part 2

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Gabe POV

"Well, this fucking sucks," I groaned as I landed on the hospital bed. This blind situation sucked. For three days, we were stick in our individual rooms until Dr. Roberts pulled some strings to put us all in one big room.

And you know what was fucked up? I couldn't even go to the bathroom without an aid.

"Gabe, relax," Luke said to my right.

I groaned. "I don't know how to do anything without my sight. I mean, I can't paint anymore. I can't draw. I can barely fucking drink water without it spilling all over me."

North snorted. "That hasn't changed."

I growled at the direction he was in. "Fuck you, North."

"Gabe, enough," Kota barked. "You, too, North. All of us are in the same situation. We shouldn't attack each other because of this. I mean, dammit, are we going to let this situation tear us apart."

Silence filled the room. Owen broke the silence. "I agree with Kota. We've been a family for more than six years."

Sean's voice continued. "Phil said that there is a possibility that we can get our sight back. So it's not hopeless."

"I agree with you guys, but something about that mission didn't add up," Victor spoke.

I turned towards his voice and lifted my eyebrows in question. I wanted to smack myself because he couldn't see my expression. "What doesn't add up?"

Victor continued. "We were notified of their position within thirty minutes before we infiltrated. Vaughn Koln and the girls should have been there. There wouldn't have been enough time to move if they heard we were coming."

"Are you saying what I'm thinking you're saying?" Nathan asked in a disbelieving voice.

Kota whispered in shock. "There's a mole in the Academy."

"We should tell Dr. Roberts," Silas murmured.

"We need to be careful," Owen spoke. "We don't know who the mole is. There were only a handful of people that knew of us attacking them, and unfortunately Dr. Roberts is a suspect."

"Owen, really?" Sean asked his best friend in disbelief. "Dr. Roberts is the most respectful person I've known. You think he can be a mole?"

Luke answered. "I don't believe he is, but that doesn't mean that he isn't. People can change. We all should know that."

We were silent once again. We knew that people could change. Hell, my own father changed after killing my mother and my little brother in "accidental" car crash. I threw my arms out, "Well, who else is a suspect?"

"The Academy council, the informant, the technical team that supported us, and an undercover agent." Owen spoke.

North whistled. "That's quite a lot of people."

Victor mumbled. "If only I could see and have my computer, then I could check."

Suddenly the door to our hospital room swung open, shocking us since we were in the private Academy section of the hospital. Footsteps came into the room, and feminine voice rang out. "Hey, Phil, I found you- You're not Phil."

I chuckled. "No, we aren't."

The girl gasped. "I'm sorry. Someone told me that he was in this room."

Kota talked calmly. "No problem. What are you doing here in the hospital?"

"I'm trying to find Dr. Roberts but it seems he's everywhere I am not." The girl giggled. Her voice sounded like musical chimes, and made a smile come to my face. The others started to chuckle at the sound, and I smirked. She was going to be trouble.

"What's your name?" Luke asked.

She hesitated. "You can call me Wren."

Ever calculating, Owen spoke. "that's not your real name."

She hesitated again. "It isn't. I'm not supposed to be here and I don't really know you guys."

Sean's voice reassured her. "That's okay. I'm Sean. Dr. Sean Green."

"Oh," She exclaimed. "You're the guy Phil talks about."

Sean snorted. "Well, I am his greatest prodigy."

I snorted. "Prodigy, my ass. More like a pain."

Sean gasped and said in mock hurt. "You hurt me, Gabe."

I shrugged. "I do my best." I turned towards the girl. "I'm Gabriel Coleman, but you can call me Gabe."

"Nice to meet you, Gabe," Wren spoke.

"I'm Nathan Griffin, but call me Nate."

Kota went next. "I'm Dakota Lee. I go by Kota."

"Victor Morgan." Victor murmured hesitantly. Tension was felt in the room. I understand his motives. Although he wasn't well known throughout the states, he was well known around Charleston. When she didn't squeal or immediately try to jump onto Victor, we all let out a sigh of relief.

"Silas Korba," The Greek spoke.

"North Taylor," north grunted. At least he didn't yell at her. Yet.

"I'm Luke. I'm North's older brother." Luke sounded hyper as if he has been eating chocolate. I narrowed my eyes in his direction. Did he manage to get the nurses to give him candy? If so, he needs to share with me.

Owen was last. "I'm Owen Blackbourne," he said, reverting back to the man in front of strangers. Whenever we are in front of strangers or nonfamily, he reverts back into the person who is cold and proper.

"Nice to meet you all," Wren spoke.

Suddenly North bellowed. "You're bleeding!"

I sat up in my bed in alarm. "You can see?!"

He growled. "Hell no but I can smell. It's the smell of copper."

I sniffed the air, and sure there was a faint smell of copper that wasn't here a few moments ago. Wren winced. "It's just a small cut. Nothing to be worried about." She quieted. "I got to go. Can I maybe come tomorrow ?"

We all agreed, wanting other company other than nurses who kept prodding us and family members that kept asking us what they could do for us. As she started to walk away, I yelled out. "Bye, Trouble!"

She stopped, and I fidgeted. Did I insult her? I felt the heated glares on me from my family. Suddenly she laughed. "Bye, Meanie!"

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