Chapter 16

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Kota POV

After we were finally able to pry Raven and Corey from making out with each other in the middle of a hallway, Rachel was finally able to take us to our rooms. The rooms for all of us were on the second floor which wasn't that bad with the elevator.

A sigh left me as I took off my sunglasses. My blurry vision showed me that where the bed and other things were, but the strain it took to focus on things caused a migraine. The doctors told us that we can see shapes and colors, but any detail wasn't visible no matter how close we are to the object. They say that it would take a few more weeks to begin to see details.

(Right now the boys are not totally in darkness. Their vision is very blurry and I'm not having them wearing vision correcting glasses for my plot. If you want more of a description of their vision right now, imagine the vision like the picture above. They can see the outline but they cannot see details, no matter how close they are. So if Sang and them are right beside each other, they can't see her other than her blonde hair.)

"Aren't we glad that we decided to come?" Sean said as I stepped into the Owen's room. After we had settled, he had wanted us to come to his room.

For what I didn't know, but I really didn't care anymore. I wasn't surrounded by the soft noise of people walking by our door or the almost indistinctive scent of chemicals in the hospital. There were no beeping of machines that had me shoving my earphones into my ears to distract me from the annoying noise. All there was the sound of calmness and nature. It was a noise for sore ears.

"Yeah, we were able to avoid the Holloway team," Victor spoke.

Mom spoke, "Tell me. Why do you guys not like them?"

Usually parents are not told the truth of the Academy unless it was dire. When I was fifteen, I was tossed over the balcony, breaking my arm. When mom appeared at the hospital demanding answers, Dr. Roberts decided that it was time for her to know. She already worked underneath the supervision of the Academy.

Luke was the one who spoke. "We did like them before they changed. Christie who is the liaison gained a fortune a few years ago and she became twisted. She decided that she wanted us to be her and her team's boyfriends because we rival her team in terms of numbers. She also wants us because our team is a bit unique with one of completing some of the highest mission numbers and Owen and Sean were the ones who directed the building of the hospital which is something that went down in history."

"Amber, Molly, and Rebecca are okay," Nathan said. "They are the only ones who didn't change due to having money and prestige. I think that the only reason why they are there is because of old times."

"Yeah, you, Gabriel, and Kota are lucky," North huffed and puffed. "We have to deal with the clingy ones."

"Aww, I don't think that they're that bad," Erica hummed.

Gabriel snorted. "Puh-leez. Erica, trust me. They're bad. Sophie broke into North's trailer and was waiting for him on his bed. Naked. If that doesn't scream delusional and crazy, I don't know what does."

Mom made a small noise in shock. She was the type to view others in a bright light until something dims her view on them. Even then, it takes a lot for her to see the bad in a person.

"Anyway," I spoke up. "Where's Jess?"

I had noticed that she wasn't with mom. Jessica was close to Uncle and Dr. Roberts and tended to be a bit awkward and shy with people she didn't know. Unfortunately, the Toma team, Wil, Charlie, Theo, and the doctors were placed in the group that she didn't know.

Mom hummed. "Around. I want her to relax. She's been stressed about what happened to you guys and things at school."

"What happened at school?" Silas sounded a bit angry. It were times like this that I was thankful I had eight brothers. We could definitely take on any boys interested in my little baby sister.

"After her friends excluded her from some activities, Jessica is a bit depressed. She doesn't really know what to do because they were her only friends." I frowned. Jessica was going through this, and she didn't tell me?

"Why didn't she tell us," Owen spoke in a sharp tone.

Mom laughed. "No offense, kiddos, but you're not exactly ones to talk about girl trouble."

Luke gasped. "I'm offended. Gabe and I can totally keep up with girl stuff."

"Hey, don't include me in that. Just because I know fashion and makeup doesn't make me a know-it-all about girls," Gabe yelled out before talking to Mom. "Besides, why didn't she come to us? We would have hung out with her."

"Yes," Mom started out slow. "But what about when you have to leave? Your relationship with Jessica is different than your relationship with Kota. You can drop things at any moment to help others, but Jessica will be left behind. Now, I love that you guys are her big brothers, but sometimes brothers aren't the only things she needs."

"But she will need us when she gets a boyfriend." Sean piped up.

"Excuse me?" Owen asked with a disbelief. I stiffened. Why the hell were we talking about my sister getting a boyfriend? That will never happen until she turns 20 or all of us are dead. She has a good 4 more years until she turns that age. "When did we say she could have a boyfriend?"

"Or girlfriend," Silas muttered.

Luke gasped. "Girlfriend? Is Jessica bi, and we never knew it?"

Gabriel cracked his fingers. "Never mind her sexuality. We have to protect her from both males and females."

"I agree," Nathan supported Gabriel.

Victor started to mutter about doing a deep search into her classmates, while Sean was cracking up in the corner. Owen was silent which was kinda nerve-racking. It was always the quiet ones that cause the most damage.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't really care if Jessica was bisexual, but if that was the case, she would not have a girlfriend or a boyfriend before she's thirty.

"Guys!" Mom laughed out in amusement. "You can't decide when or who she can have a boyfriend or girlfriend. That's her choice. If I remember, most of you had your first relationships when you were her age."

Victor spluttered. "B- bu-, she's Jessica, and we're us. We're dumb."

"Wow, Victor," Nathan said dryly. "Calling us out, huh?"

Silas was next. "We were. Key word, were. But not anymore. We don't want Jessica to go through the things that a stupid boy may treat her."

Gabriel yelled out. "We're missing the point!"

"And what would that be, Gabriel?" Owen said. His voice reminded me of a mafia character in a movie. I could almost imagine his fingertips touching in a V in his lap.

"Is she bisexual?" His question made me turn my head towards my mom. She was a blurry figure near the door, but I knew where she was.

Mom laughed out. "That's a secret for me to keep and for you to keep your noses out of. Now back to what I was saying, things have been stressful for her, so I've told her that when we are here, she is to relax. I trust in the Academy members around here to keep an eye on her."

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked. "I mean, Raven almost killed Sean a few moments ago."

"Ehhh," Mom drawled out. "I believe that Corey will keep Raven away from killing people. Raven is a person that I semi-trust. Besides, I trust Jessica to make the right decisions. Now, I believe that my bed is calling me for a nap."

The boys' vision is coming back slowly. I'm excited for getting into Sang training Jessica. I'm also going to introduce some original characters which I am also excited for. 

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