Part 4

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"I checked the videos, but there was no sign of a girl entering this room. Or anyone at all."

"What?" I yelled in surprise. My exclamation was echoed by my brothers. I groaned as a throbbing behind my eyes began. As a doctor, I had to know the basic of each body part, but this condition was beyond me. I didn't know what to do, and this was quite scary.

"We weren't hallucinating," Gabriel yelled in slight panic. "Right?"

"Of course not," North grunted.

Owen groaned, making the room quiet. In a restrained voice, he spoke. "What do you mean, Dr. Roberts? She should have been on the camera."

I heard my mentor sigh heavily and come closer to my bed. His hand grabbed onto my shoulder. "It seems as if she didn't want to be seen. She had the cameras disabled on this ground floor, this floor and the elevators."

Kota's voice filled the room. "We know that she knows you because she called your name, and we know that she was injured because we could smell the scent of blood on her. She told us a false name, and when we spoke to her, she sounded nervous."

Phil moved away from me. "I don't know what to say. I mean, I see a lot of patients both Academy and non-Academy. She might be an agent or not. I don't know what to do until this girl approaches me or is caught on camera."

"Thank you, Dr. Roberts," Owen said from his bed. The exhaustion could be heard in his voice. All of us were stressed and nervous and on edge, but all we could do is wait and see if this medication works or not.

A crinkle of paper had me smiling. How Luke was able to charm nurses to give him candy was beyond me. How much candy has he eaten?

"Dr. Roberts," Victor spoke, "do you have any news on the mission?"

"Koln and the kidnapped girls are still in the wind. We have another team on it. They found some clues and are pursuing it." Dr. Roberts paused. "As for what happened to you, the Council and I discovered inconsistent information and know that there is a mole in the Academy. We have assigned another team to investigate who it might be."

I sighed, feeling both light and heavy. I had hoped that Dr. Roberts wasn't the mole, and I am glad that I was right. Yet I still felt heavy, knowing that there was a traitor in our Academy. Why would they betray information? Were they, or someone they knew, threatened? Was it money? Was it revenge?

A knock on the door had me turning my head in that direction. The door opened, and I felt my lips twist at the voice of the person who entered. "Hello."

Dr. Roberts shuffled somewhere in the room. "Oh! Christie, how nice to see you."

"I'm sure," the woman who we all did not like walked further into the room. "I came to see how the Blackbourne team is doing."

I could just imagine her standing in the doorway. She was pretty by normal standards with brown hair and green eyes, but her physical attributes were unattractive due to her attitude. She was an Academy member who was saved from her rich and abusive father who was a cousin to one of the Council members. While in the Academy's care, she had received her father's fortune after he was murdered. She became manipulative, demanding both objects and attention. She might seem nice and pleasant on the outside, but she is actually dark and ugly.

"Peachy," North growled. I wanted to high five him.

Her giggle grated on my ears, making me remember the sweet and fresh giggles of Wren. "Oh, North. You need to lighten up." I heard her high heels click on the tile floor. "How are you, Silas?"

Silas was quiet before imitating North. "Hmm."

"Ms. Holloway," Owen spoke in his cold and frozen manner. "Thank you for checking up on us, but all of us just received treatment and are quite tired."

I heard her tsk. In an overly sweet voice, she responded. "Oh, I'll leave, but I'll be back. My team and I are concerned for you and are here for you whenever you need it."

"Thank you," Owen said sharply. We held our breaths as we heard her leave. Once the door closed, we all let out a sigh of relief. Her team was an all girl team that rivaled ours in terms of numbers. With nine members, they were a well rounded team. We often had to team up with them when all nine of us needed a partner.

Dr. Roberts hummed. "That's going to be problematic."

"Ugh," Luke groaned.

I nodded in agreement. "I agree with Luke. This just got worse."

Luke groaned again. "Not that. I have a stomach ache."

Snickers filled the room before North bellowed. "That's what you get for eating so much candy!"

finally updated, ya!! Tell me what you think and what will happen. Why do you think Wren disabled the cameras? Thanks for reading!

<3 Azallya

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