Part 11

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Victor POV

The door closed with a bang, and I slouched in my chair. I self-consciously rubbed the edge of the bandages around my eyes. My mind was on the recent meeting. After a checkup with one of the specialist doctors, my mom and her assistant appeared. Not only did they drag me off but also the nurse that must have not known about my history with my parents left me alone. My mom and her assistant had dragged me to an empty conference room and started arguing for me to come home.

I don't know why but I had the faintest hope it was because she cared for me. That she was the mom I remembered when I was a toddler. That little light of hope was extinguished when she started talking about the press and how their prodigal son had returned. When I refuse to go back to the mansion that I left only months ago, she screeched until her assistant calmed her down.

I snorted. They thought that because I went blind, I also became deaf. They started to whisper in how they'll take care of each others needs later to blow off some steam. I huffed in annoyance and disgust. It seemed that my mother had finally joined the same activity my father enjoyed over a decade ago- extramarital affairs. One good thing so far is that my father didn't try to visit me, especially after the threat Owen and I gave him as we left my house for the final time.

Tapping my fingers against the table, I imagined I was playing the piano. Since I left my parents, I started to become more interested in electronic music, and Fur Elise by District 78 was constantly on my mind. I rediscovered my love for the piano although I didn't want to play it all the time. It was there for me when I just need to get away from stress. With my sight gone, I worried that my playing wouldn't be the same or that I couldn't play any more.

I wobbled as I stood from my seat. I traced my fingertips against the wood table, moving towards the door. My fingers suddenly came to the edge of the table, and I grew nervous. Could I make the few steps to the door? Would I mess up and flounder around the room like a fish on dry land? I winced, imaging the hit on my pride if I got lost in this room.

I reached my left arm out, biting my lip. Taking a shuffled step forward, I kept my arms stretched out. I knew that it was only a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity when my palm touched the cool wall. Shuffling to the left, I kept my hands on the wall until I bumped into the doorframe. Once I open this door, I can call someone to help me. If there was anyone outside this door.

Silence greeted me when I opened the door. There were no sounds of people walking in the hallway or any mutterings. Keeping against the wall, I moved to the right. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Nothing. There was no one. Panic started to overwhelm me, and I dropped to my knees. What floor was I on? If I opened the door, would it be another conference room or would it be the stairway? My breaths became labored, and I grabbed my chest, struggling to catch my breath.

"Victor?" A voice called my name, but it sounded muffled, like I was underwater. But I knew that the voice belonged to Wren.

"Victor," Wren called my name again but she was closer. "Are you all right? That's a stupid question for me to ask. of course, you aren't."

I coughed, trying to speak but not able to make any sounds other than panting.

"hey," Wren spoke softly. "Breathe. It's okay. I'm here for you."

I nodded again, but my breathing was still heavy. I felt nauseated as my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest. I wheezed out, "H-help."

"Victor," she said my name as a small hand grabbed mine and placed it over her heart. Both of her small hands kept my hand over her heart. "Feel my heart. Feel my chest move as I breath. Breathe slowly and as gently as you can. Focus on me. Count with me."

I scrunched my eyes together, ignoring the pain. Ignoring everything, I focused on her heartbeat and her chest that moved with every slow breath. I forced my breathing to match hers. I breathed in slowly and breathed out slowly. I heard her count to five with every in-breath and out-breath. I don't know how long we were holding onto each other, but I was able to calm down. The pain in my chest left, and I was left feeling drained.

"Hey," Wren said as her hand pushed back my hair that fell in my face. "Feeling better?"

I nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

I heard her reposition herself on the ground next to me. "You're welcome. Would you like to talk about it?"

I leaned against the wall, trying to regain myself. "It was so sudden. I didn't think that I would be so scared of being on my own."

Her hand squeezed mine in silent comfort. It motivated me to speak more. "I was trying to find someone to help, but when there was no one in the beginning, I became so terrified that I would become lost or trip and no one would find me. Is this how my life is going to be? Terrified that every movement could result in me being lost."

"Oh, Victor," Wren spoke in a sad voice. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. That should have never happened to you, but you should always know that you'll never be alone. You have the Academy, your brothers. If you become lost, we will find you and bring you back."

I don't know why, but an image of a knight in a shining armor appeared in my mind, chasing the darkness away. I chuckled at my weird mind. "I think you're becoming our knight in shining armor."

She chuckled. "I thought I was your princess?"

The image of the knight disappeared into a woman in a shimmering dress and a crown on her head appeared. She was standing in front of me with her hand reached towards me. I don't know how but this little bird has become our light. "You are." I squeezed her hand. "My princess."

She giggled. "I'm glad you're doing better. I heard there's apple pie in the cafeteria. Want to get a slice?"

I smiled, deciding to joke with her. "Are you asking me on a date, princess?"

"Yep, my prince," she chirped back, shocking me. She laughed. "Don't say something you don't mean, because I do."

"I wasn't joking," I spluttered. "Well, I was, but I am not now. So are we still going on a date?"

Wren held my hand. "Only if want it."

"I do," I said without hesitation which made her giggle. She helped me stand up and intertwined her arm in mine. We started to walk slowly because of me, but I didn't feel any frustration from her. "So if ask you to always be with me, will you stay?"

She was quiet. "Although I would love to stay with you, I can't. But know that I will protect you."

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