Part 7

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Nathan POV

The room that I had been staying in for the past few weeks was in excitement. When the doctors notified us and our family of a possible treatment to cure our eyes, my brother's family came rushing over to the hospital. The first to arrive was Kota's family. Although Erica has treated me like a second son, I always knew that she couldn't fill the space that my mother formed when she ran away from my father and me. Sean's parents, Uncle, Silas's father, and even Pam appeared throughout the hour, but I knew that my father wouldn't appear. He didn't care about me. He never did love me. I don't even remember the last time he gave me a genuine smile.

I needed this treatment to work. Without my eyes, what could I do? I was known to be the muscles of the family? How was I to punch or lift something if I couldn't see the object? What other abilities do I have that would help me if I was blind for the rest of my life?

I smiled as a hand grabbed mine. Erica's kind voice spoke to me. "Are you doing okay, Nathan?"

I nodded, forcing my worries behind a smile. "I am. I just don't want to get my hopes up too high if the treatment doesn't work."

She rubbed and patted my hand. "I don't know if it will work either, but it is better to look on the positive side. I know that I don't understand what you are feeling, but know that I am here for you to talk to."

I nodded, acknowledging her statement. But I knew that I wouldn't talk to her. How am I to speak to her about being jealous of her and Kota's relationship? About my depressing thoughts? How can I discourage her when she's hoping with all of her heart that this will cure her son's eyes?

The door opened, and Dr. Robert's jovial voice filled the room. "Good evening, and it is a good evening because I bring good news. These people following me are the doctors who had been working with me to create this treatment. This is Dr. Aki Akatsuki, Dr. Colin Oher, and Dr. Valerie Summers."

"Good afternoon," a very kind and soft voice spoke. "I am Dr. Aki Akatsuki. I am the head doctor on researching your treatment. My colleagues and I are very excited that we have found the substances used in the toxin that made you blind."

An unfamiliar female voice started to speak after he stopped. "I'm Valerie Summers. It's nice to meet you. I hope that we can regain your eyesight back fully."

A chuckling laughter made me smile. In a hearty and deep voice, the last person spoke. "I guess I'm last. I'm Dr. Colin Oher."

"So what can we expect about this treatment?" Sean's mother spoke with her Japanese accent.

"Mrs. Green," Dr. Akatsuki answered her. "This treatment is in the trial process, but when we can expect at least 70% of these guys regaining their eyesight fully."

Pam spoke without a hint of grogginess that came with drinking. "What does that mean? That there is a 30% possibility that they won't regain their eyesight at all?"

Dr. Oher laughed. "No, all of them will regain their eyesight, but we don't know how much eyesight they will get back. There is a 30% chance that they will not get their eyesight fully, but we can correct that with glasses."

Kota chuckled. "Well, that really doesn't change for me. I wear glasses anyway."

"Oh, hush," Erica said teasingly. "Your lenses don't need to become thicker, Kota."

Victor snorted. "It would have happened later because of his horrible reading habits."

"I don't have horrible reading habits." Kota whined.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, you do. You'd read at night time with only your lamp which isn't that bright. I'm surprised that you're not blind already."

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