Ch.9: Half Truths (part 1)

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[WARNING]: This book will contain mature themes such as: Violence, Disturbing Imagery, Sexual content, extremely unacceptable behavior expressed by the antagonist, kidnapping, Dark, uncomfortable and disgusting topics, etcetera. Not suitable for readers under 18. A 'Yandere' should never be sought out in real life as they are incredibly toxic, dangerous and abusive. I do not condone the actions and/or the ideals of 'yanderes', this is purely fictional and should never be emulated in reality.

[WARNING/TRIGGER WARNING (TW)]: This chapter contains descriptions of gaslighting, drowning, excessive vomiting, Pedophilic and dark themes in general. I do not condone any of it.

This is Horror, not romance.

The antagonist (the 'yandere') is supposed to be unsettling and immoral (abusive), I do not condone his ways.


"Darling, do you know anything about his pen? I don't remember having any stationery in the bedroom..." Husband asked, looking genuinely confused.

"I... don't. Remember." You tried to contain your shivering. For the most part, you succeeded. However...

"You're hiding something from me." Husband's face darkens. It's frightening how his mood can change so drastically within a nanosecond.

"N-no! I'm not! I'm not!" You spluttered, waving your hands at him. You internally cursed yourself for panicking, now he's even more suspicious of you.

"(Y/n). I know you're lying and I hate being lied to." He inched closer to you. "Fess up, what are you hiding?" He scowled.

"Nothing! I'm not hiding anything, please believe me!" Your voice cracked and your legs trembled.

Husband only stared at you for a while before looking away. You thought that it was the end of it, but no. You were wrong.

He got out of bed and brought his head to the floor, looking under the furniture. Your nails dug into your (s/c) skin, luckily Husband cut them short or else you would have drew blood already from the pressure.

You quietly muttered your prayers to a higher power. Hoping that you would still retain at least some unconscious memory, it was such a challenge to get to this point, to finally get a good idea of who Husband is.

You squeezed your eyes shut and pursed on your lips so hard that it turned pale.

You waited for Husband to lash out. It's inevitable at this point.

"...looks like whatever you're hiding isn't under the bed." He grumbled.

"Huh..?" You opened your eyes to see a vexed Husband. You held your breath upon making eye contact with your captor.

"Where is it?" He interrogated you.

"I'm—I'm not hiding anything, please! I'm telling you the truth!" You begged him to believe you. He's not buying it.

"Do you think I'm that dense? You refused to let me pick your clothes out for you yesterday." Your blood ran cold at that remark, but luckily you already moved the hiding spot of your sticky note. But then... it was supposed to be under the bed. Where did it go? Or did you remember it wrongly?

Husband stood up and took large strides towards the closet. He swung the doors open and rummaged through it, giving it a thorough inspection. You watch him in anticipation, did you forget to take it out from the closet? Where did the sticky note go? It's a relief that Husband didn't come across the sticky note, but it adds to your anxiety when you couldn't remember where you hid it either. What if Husband found it at a completely unexpected time? You wouldn't be prepared to save yourself from the syringe.

Your eyes followed every miniscule movements, his hands searching through every inch of your closet, no areas left untouched or unseen. A plethora of bad scenarios played out in your head, so many 'what if's' and 'please don'ts.


You flinched when Husband angrily threw the closet door back to it's original place. It probably would have break into pieces if it wasn't for the metal hinges supporting it.

You wanted to sigh in relief that he couldn't find anything to use against you. However, you knew that it isn't a good time to do so.

"What are you hiding?" He turned around, intimidating you. Husband crossed his arms across his broad chest.

"I-I'm not—"

"Don't lie to me, I know you are." He presented a scolding finger. Immediately after, tears came waterfalling out from your eyes.

"Please! Please believe me! I'm not hiding anything! I'm telling the truth, I'm not lying!" You sobbed and wailed, hugging your arms to provide yourself at least a pinch of security.

"I know you better than anyone, (y/n). Your mannerisms, your behaviors... I recognize all of it. You are hiding something, show me." He took a few steps closer.

"I have nothing to show! I don't know anything about that pen either!" You denied, waving your hands in exasperation and terror.

"How much of this will I have to do until you give up? You are hiding something, (y/n). I know you are. Tell me now and you won't get a punishment as severe."

"I'm NOT! I don't have anything to hide and it's just a stupid pen you found on the floor! Why won't you trust me?!" You raised your voice at him.

Husband watched you sob in your knees with steely eyes. Like a vulture, he waited for you to finally break and confess about your wrongdoings.

You only continued crying in hopes that he would realize that he has gone too far.

Your wishes has been granted by a kind and unseen force.

"...Perhaps I... was a little too harsh on you for something so trivial." His tone softened, becoming tender enough to sound benevolent. You didn't want to look up at him, it would only make you nauseous.

Wait. Did you by chance... swallowed it? Your hands covered your widened, puffy eyes, concealing them away from him. You remember doing something like that due to panic, and it wasn't the diamond ring you consumed. Well wasn't that a swell idea? Note the sarcasm. How are you going to retrieve the sticky note now? It's probably corroded into molten muck by your stomach acids.

You felt Husband's hand affectionately stroking your hair. "I'm sorry." Husband kissed you on your temple. "It was wrong of me to overreact in the first place." He nuzzled his nose against the crook of your neck. Showering you with love to sooth the soreness he has inflicted on your mental wellbeing. "Forgive me?" He cooed.

You nodded for the sake of de-escalation and promptly threw yourself into his arms. Basking in his false sense of security.

"Thank you." He whispered before kissing the shell of your ear. His hands rubbed your back up and down. "I love you, my dear (y/n)."

Both of you spent the rest of the morning making up with each other through a series of cuddles and kisses.

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Author's Note: Hello. MoonlightTofu here. Thank you for reading 'Husband'. Please leave a vote if you liked it and also please tell me what you think about the story so far.

Status: Unedited.

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