Ch.12: Spoken Truths (Part 2 FINAL)

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[WARNING]: This book will contain mature themes such as: Violence, Disturbing Imagery, Sexual content, extremely unacceptable behavior expressed by the antagonist, kidnapping, Dark, uncomfortable and disgusting topics, etcetera. Not suitable for readers under 18. A 'Yandere' should never be sought out in real life as they are incredibly toxic, dangerous and abusive. I do not condone the actions and/or the ideals of 'yanderes', this is purely fictional and should never be emulated in reality.

[WARNING/TRIGGER WARNING (TW)]: This chapter (mainly in part 2) contains descriptions of Xenophobia, racism, offensive slurs, other offensive terms, misogyny, abuse (physical and mental), manipulation, severe hate, animal abuse, insensitive remarks to Christianity, discrimination in many forms, mockery of religion (especially Christianity), severe bullying, blood, violence (gun violence), gore, infantilization, disturbing, dark and terrible topics in general. I do not condone any of it. I CONDEMN them.

Any organism with life deserves respect and to be treated kindly. Regardless of your belief and faith, you should not disrespect any religion or non-religion. Same goes to our nationality and races, no one should be treated horribly just because we come from different backgrounds. No one is superior or inferior to another, we are all equals and should never belittle anyone of different ethnicity, religion or nationality. May we live in peace and harmony. Kindness, tolerance, respect and acceptance is what makes us all Human, civil and it is what keeps us together. Please do not be mean-spirited and hateful as it will only bring you and others down. Please be kind to animals, they're also living creatures like you and I, they can feel pain and suffer. You are valued and have high worth, do not let anyone convince you otherwise.

The antagonist (the 'yandere') is supposed to be unsettling and immoral (abusive), I do not condone his ways.
This is Horror, not romance.

This book is purely a work of fiction and is not to be emulated in real life. Nor does it encourage others to be like the characters in this book.


You gasped then panted madly, propping yourself up with your arms. You took a good look at her.

Hard to tell how her hair looks like as it was concealed with her helmet. But she has an olive toned skin and brown eyes.

"Alright. This should stall long enough him till the others arrive..." She mumbled to herself.

"A-Abby...?" You called out.

"No." She curtly replied. "Kopp's drugs really fucked your memory up, huh?" She proceeded to barricade the doors with whatever she can, grunting as she lifts the heavier items.

"Who-who are you...?" You muttered, struggling to get back up on your feet.

"Long story short, a Yankee Medic. Krauts hate people like us."


"Check out the side of your belly." You removed the windbreaker and lift the top up to reveal a scar.

You froze as blurry glimpses of being shot in a battlefield and being treated by someone flashed past your eyes.

"Oh... What the hell is a Kraut?"

"Germans. But they don't like it when we call them that, so don't do it." She grumbled.

"Germans hate... Medics?" You're so confused.

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