Ch.4: Disturbingly Pure (part 1)

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[WARNING]: This book will contain mature themes such as: Violence, Disturbing Imagery, Sexual content, extremely unacceptable behavior expressed by the antagonist, kidnapping, Dark, uncomfortable and disgusting topics, etcetera. Not suitable for readers under 18. A 'Yandere' should never be sought out in real life as they are incredibly toxic, dangerous and abusive. I do not condone the actions and/or the ideals of 'yanderes', this is purely fictional and should never be emulated in reality.

[WARNING/TRIGGER WARNING (TW)]: This chapter contains mentions of Rape and has Pedophilic themes. I do not condone any of it.
This is Horror, not romance.

The antagonist (the 'yandere') is supposed to be unsettling and immoral (abusive), I do not condone his ways.


"Did you like it?" Husband asked, a pleasant smile graced his face as he gently wiped your mouth with a facial tissue.

"Yes. It's really good. Thank you for the meal." You beamed.

"My pleasure. You're such a good girl." He playfully ruffled your hair. Husband gathered the empty plates and brought them to the kitchen. Once he's out of sight, you let your smile dissolve into an upset frown. His 'childish' treatment towards you is starting to wear your sanity out. You wonder how did you manage to handle him up to this day, most likely you were under the influence of something.

"I hope you're still hungry, (y/n). I prepared dessert for the both of us." Your ears perked up and you quickly put on your brightest smile. He came back with two plates, a slice of pumpkin pie rests atop of it. Both had equal amounts of whipped cream decorating the crust.

"O-oh, I- uh. Actually, I am full." You nervously wrung your hands. His head cocked to the side.

"Strange. You've always had room leftover for dessert." He lowered the plates down. "Do you not like pumpkin pie?"

"No, I'm... I'm just really tired." You yawned. Actually, you just wanted to get away from Husband. It's getting increasingly difficult for you to eat with him constantly adoring you.

"Oh, are you now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"...Yes." You pursed your lips. An unreadable expression replaced his happy look.

"Are you perhaps having a headache?" You took a second to think about your answer.

"Yes." You actually felt one coming. It's a good excuse.

"I see." He placed them on the table and then took a small, orange container of tablets out from his pocket.

"What's that?" You pointed at the item in his hand.

"Aspirin, my dear. It will help you ease the pain." He took one out and brought it closer to you.

The phrase, "NOTHING IS ASPIRIN", stood out in your head. There is no way you're taking that, but you can't just reject it.

"Okay." You took it from his fingers. Husband refilled your glass with water and gently pushed it towards you.

You placed it in your mouth, pushing the dissolvable tablet under your tongue before drinking some water. It was extremely bitter, but for the sake of not being suspicious, you tried your best to not make a face.

Husband watches you with his hand propping his head up.

"Done." You placed the glass down and smiled. He chuckled before standing up.

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