The Secret

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*Hey guys, this is the next chapter. Sorry its really confusing cause its in Miaz's POV and Elena's POV, but I'll try to keep it in one or the other, which one, I'm not quite sure yet. Thanks. Enjoy!*

Miaz's POV:

I felt Bennett's breath and heard Elena cry. I didn't blame her. After about five minutes, the room was silent and we traveled in further into our little room.

"So?" I asked impatiently. I tried to sound brave, but I don't think he bought it.

"I need to tell you what's going on," he replied.

"We got that already. Just tell us," I snapped back.

"I-I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, though," he continued.

"What is it?" Ellie asked. It sounded as if she were becoming impatient, too.

"You know those Greek gods and myths I told you about?" Bennett asked.

"Yeah, about Zeus and the Furies-" Bennett clamped his hand over Ellie's mouth before she could say anything else. Thunder boomed in the background.

"It would be wise not to say those names out loud," he told her.

"Why not?" she objected.

"Look, the point is: they aren't myths," he said. I looked at him for a moment and then burst out laughing.

"You're telling me that all this stuff is real? Bennett, are you awake? I think you need to go back to sleep," I said dismissingly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He really expected me to believe him? Yeah. Never.

"You have to trust me," Ben said pleadingly.

"What do you take me for? You expect me to believe that?" I asked in disbelief. Ellie grabbed my wrist.

"I believe him," she said. Just like she couldn't tell a lie, she could tell if others were lying. It was creepy. But I still didn't believe her or Ben.

"How stupid do you think I am? Look, they're just stories. There is no such thing as the gods! They're just myths!" I exclaimed. Thunder rolled in the distance again.

"Shhh, you'll make them mad," Ben begged. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please you're really going to keep this up aren't y-" I started when something lit up the room. I looked over at Elena and she looked just as frightened as Ben and I. There was light forming over her head, and then something started forming over mine. I started to swat at it when Ben took my wrist.

"Look," he ordered. I looked over at Ellie and above her head was a harp. Not the real deal, just a light-picture of it.

"A lyre?" Ellie asked. Ben nodded then turned to me. A light-picture of a sword appeared above my head.

"Okay, what is this?" I asked. I becoming more impatient than I already was.

"Daughter of Ares," was all he said.

"You mean the Greek god of war?" I asked, "Then, what about Ellie?"

"Daughter of Apollo," he replied.

"And you?" Ellie asked. He smirked and held his head high.

"Son of Athena."

It made a lot of sense now, but how was I suppose to believe them. Just then, light poured in the room and the lights above our heads vanished. The light was coming from outside our hiding place. But how? I looked at Ben and he looked like a dear in headlights.

"Miss Hennington," he muttered. My eyes widened and I looked over at Elena in fear, for the first time in years.


Elena's POV:

My heart was beating fast and it felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. Honestly, I believed Ben. Half of me said it was stupid, but there was this feeling in my gut that told me to believe him. And the gut never lies.

"At last," we heard the voice of Miss Hennington's. But it was weirder. Darker. It was her voice, defiantly, but there was a voice behind hers. I wanted to shriek, but I knew that would make things worse. Finally, she was in view. Something about her seemed so different. How could she have been this nice lady only yesterday? Ben grabbed Miaz's and my wrist.

"Well, if it isn't the son of Athena," she said in distaste. Her eyes shifted to Miaz.

"Oh, and a daughter of Ares. I would have guessed Aphrodite, but you're too tough to be one of those," she huffed as if she had a bad past with the love goddess. Her eyes were then set on me like lasers.

"I knew it. The daughter of Apollo," she scoffed. "He was a nice man, but he abandoned me, just like all the other gods."

"What do you mean?" I squeaked. She sneered.

"You're father loved me, once. He visited me so many times. But he said he knew my future and just left," she muttered. I would have felt sorry for her if she wasn't trying to kill us. All of a sudden her eyes grew wide and she gasped for breath.

"No!!!" she screamed. She exploded into dust and I looked over at Miaz. I could tell she was trying not to laugh. Why she found things like that funny, I had no idea. A familiar boy was standing behind the ashes of Miss Hennington.

"Alex!" I exclaimed. Alex had brown curly hair that went right above his deep brown eyes. He had a bit of facial hair which wasn't really weird for a fourteen year old. He was holding a sword and his knees were clacking together.

"What just happened?" Miaz asked.

"That would be one of the Titan's little friends," Alex squeaked.

"Then why did she say that 'your dad loved me once'?" I asked.

"Eh, just to make you feel sorry for her and side with her," he replied. Miaz looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Titans?" she asked. Ben shook his head and looked at Miaz and me.

"How about we have a Greek mythology lesson," Ben said while yawning, "tomorrow." I nodded and Miaz took me by the hand. Miaz's eyes widened.

"What is it Mi?" I asked.

"Well, now that Miss Hennington is in ashes, how are we going to explain that?" she asked. Ben shrugged.

"We'll figure something out. Just go back to bed," he said getting up. He put his hand on the "delta" symbol and we all crawled through the little door. Miaz and I walked over to our bedroom quietly; we didn't want to wake any of the other orphans. We finally made it down the hall and into our room. Miaz helped me up to the top bunk and I settled myself. It was hard because there wasn't anything settling about today. I was still trying to contemplate on what just happened.

"Daughter of Apollo." Miss Hennington's voice rang in my thoughts as I fell asleep.

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