A Victory for the Demigods

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*HEY GUYS! So sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been super busy and sorta lost inspiration until I rewatched the movie and reread some of the books ^_^ So now I'm back and ready to write more. Also, please forgive me. I totally DID NOT notice that Jason was the name of one of the main characters in the newer series The Lost Hero, I believe its called. So I didn't steal it I promise! (: *

June 22, 6:23 am.

Elena’s POV:

“Run, idiot!” Miaz yelled. I looked behind me, my golden brown hair getting in my face. She had a sword and was fighting off a black dog-like creature. We finally figured out that the Furies gave up on us and called the hell-hounds instead. I looked to my other side and saw Bennett stabbing another black dog-like creature with his knife. And Alex, he was just running for his life. His hoofs padded on the soft, green grass. Yes I said hoofs. He was a satyr. Yes a satyr, as in half-goat, half-man. You get use to it, trust me. Right in front of him was Jason, running faster than all of us. He was the new one in the group. His “skater” dark brown hair whipped behind him as he ran. He looked back once and a while with his stunning blue eyes to see if we were alright. But, by now we were in the middle of no where. There were farms once and a while, but other than that, it was just hills and pastures. The sun was still rising and the sky was a pink and orange hue. It would have been a beautiful sight if I wasn’t about to get killed. I was running down a road with Miaz and Bennett a little way behind me. They were the lucky ones; they had weapons. I had my fists. I looked to the right of me and saw a good hiding place. I waved to my friends before anymore of those creatures came after us. We ran up the hill, which was some work, and hid behind a big pine tree. My chest rose up and down quickly as I tried to catch my breath. Bennett and Miaz were still on their guard and Alex scrambled toward me. Jason decided to confuse some of the creatures and ran around in big circles. He looked like an idiot to the drivers passing by because of the Mist. The Mist is something that makes humans not see mystical things, like Alex’s hoofs. I heard a whimper as Jason knocked out one of the dogs. Alex wheezed and I gave him a strong look that said ‘Shut it goat boy!’ Jason came around the other corner of the tree and ran into me and just stared at me with his piercing blue eyes. We were face to face and I could feel his breath.

“Excuse you,” I snapped. Since he was a newbie, I didn’t know him very well. He just continued to look at me and smirked back giving me a look that said ‘I could take you down. Don’t give me any lip’. I heard barking in the distance and my heart started to race. Soon enough, the creatures were ganging up on us. Then, I had an idea. I grabbed onto a branch of the tree and pulled myself up.

“Guys, up here,” I called. They looked up at me and they pulled themselves up as high as they could. Bennett was the first up to the top.

“Why are you so high up?” Miaz asked.

“They can climb a little way, you know,” he replied.

“Thank you Mr. Smartypants,” she retorted. I would have laughed at the way Miaz called him that, but this wasn’t the time for laughing and I knew that. The black creatures started clawing up the tree, but could reach us. Miaz laughed and spit in their faces. This time I couldn’t help but laugh. All of a sudden, a boy with dark brown hair came outside with a sword. A pretty girl with blonde hair came to his aid with a knife. She looked up at us with her stunning grey eyes which scared me for a moment. It looked too much like Ben’s eyes. I looked over at Ben and from that moment, he looked as if he knew her or something.

“Up here!” Miaz called. In no time flat they had killed all the hell-hounds and they were all turned to doggy-dust. We all climbed back down carefully and quickly. I took a deep breath and leaned against the tree.

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