The Lord of Elnwich

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Kingdom of Northumbria- 804 AD

Tualla already felt homesick. She didn’t like the level terrain, the different wildlife or the salty air, and after three days of riding on horseback, her backside ached.

She wished her aunt Dena could be here to hold her hand. Despite Dena's concerns about the union, Tualla had agreed to hold off the engagement until after she had met the lord.

Many of her fellow villagers also expressed doubt. They believed the saxons couldn't be trusted, but none had taken the news as badly as Aedan. He refused to speak to her or even make eye contact, but no matter how much it tore her apart, she'd already made her mind up.

At least Tualla only had to put up with his silent treatment. Aedan had lost all respect for his father. He would challenge Padraig at every opportunity, treating him with hostility and utter contempt, and Tualla had to question Padraig's reasoning for bringing Aedan along. 

The tension between them had already dampened the journey and now an icy bite rolled in from the turbulent grey-brown sea, making the last stretch of the ride even more miserable.

As daylight began to fade, Padraig announced they were almost there. Fields and the outline of a town could be seen on the horizon. Even from this distance, Tualla could tell Elnwich was bigger than Dun-Barnock, the palisade alone had to be twice as high.

She took a deep breath to settle her nerves. Would the lord treat her well? Could she grow to love him? Would she be happy here? 

Not that those things mattered much, not when it came down to her clan's safety.

Their horse’s hooves clacked on the stone-paved road. Though her hands were numb from the bitter cold, Tualla clutched at the reins as she prepared to meet her future husband.


Townspeople gathered around them as their group dismounted, subjecting them to curious stares, pointing and hushed mumbles. Although her heart hammered the whole time, she wouldn’t shy away. This was soon to be her home. 

With a pleasant smile, Tualla met their gazes with decorum and dignity. The women all wore light coloured fabrics over their hair. While some of the men wore simple hats, most had no covering at all. 

The crowd began to hush and disperse as three men approached. One had a tall brown dog by his side and a falcon perched on his arm. This had to be the lord of Elnwich. Everything from his fitted leather tunic and fur cloak, to his trimmed dark hair and styled moustache set him apart from everyone else. 

Padraig’s face lit up as he caught sight of him. “Edwin!” 

Upon hearing the greeting, the lord turned to one of the men beside him and transferred the falcon over. He removed the leather glove as he strode towards them with a commanding grace. 

“It’s good to see you again, Padraig,” he said in a cool manner, his eyes giving nothing away as they raked over his guests and fell on Aedan. “This must be your son?”

Padraig seemed uneasy for a moment before he puffed out his chest. “Yes, yes this is my son, Aedan.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Edwin said, extending his arm.

With his arms crossed and his body tense, Aedan stared at the lord's hand. Padraig nudged Aedan’s shoulder and he reluctantly unfolded his arms. He gripped hold of Edwin's forearm, squeezing much harder than he should. If his grip hurt, the lord didn't show it.

“And this is Tualla,” Padraig said, stepping between the two and interrupting the stand off. He ushered Tualla forward and everyone’s attention turned to her. “Tualla, this is Lord Edwin of Elnwich.”

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