Full Circle

44 7 12

Scotland- 804 AD

Tualla scarpered as she tried to make sense of the revelation. Her visions had never been wrong and she knew it was him. But why? Why would Kenroy help the saxons? She thought about it over and over but nothing made sense. She considered that his clan had also formed some sort of treaty with Edwin, but her own father had been a part of arranging her marriage.

She needed answers, and until she had them, she couldn’t trust anyone.


Pretending to be asleep, Tualla kept a watchful eye on Kenroy, waiting for the right opportunity. It presented itself late into the night when he left the camp.

Keeping at a safe distance, she followed him into the nearby forest. He came to a stop in front of a tree and dropped his pants. Pulling out her scian, she crept up behind him. In a flash, she pinned him with her blade against his neck. “Don’t make a move,” she ordered, feeling his body tremble as she used her other hand to check his belt for weapons. “I have some questions for you.”  


At first light, Torsten’s men were ready to leave. With tears in her eyes, she stepped up to him. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Goodbye would be a start.” 

She smiled and shook her head, she would miss him. 

“Are you sure this is what you want?” 

“It is.” She threw her arms around him, squeezing tight and whispered in his ear before pulling away. She took one last look at those crystal eyes of his. 

Before leaving, he glared at Aedan and handed Tualla an axe. “For luck.”

Aedan draped an arm around her as he waved them off and led her back to the camp. Her ears pricked when she overheard some of the men asking where Kenroy was but soon relaxed as they brushed off his absence with jokes. 

“When will we be seeing Bridei?” Tualla asked.

“We were going to head there later this morning, why?”

“I’m not ready to go back yet,” she said with a frown.

“You don’t want to come with us?”

“No, I mean…” She shook her head as she tried to find the right words. “I’m already overwhelmed seeing you here. Having to see my father and the others, it will be too much.”

“So what do you propose? My men will be riding out soon.”

“We could go somewhere for a bit. Just me and you.” She leaned forward, biting her lip. 

“I like the sound of that.” Aedan wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close as their lips met. “Where do you want to go?”


“I’ve always wanted to come here,” Tualla said as Aedan helped her down the embankment. 

“I’m surprised your aunt Dena never brought you.”

“She wouldn’t bring me. She said it was too painful.” Tualla looked across the lake where her life had begun. Calm and serene, the clear blue water reminded her of Torsten’s eyes and she felt a pang of regret.

“Everything alright?” Aedan asked, as he sat beside her. “You seem lost in thought.

Tualla forced a smile. “Everything is fine.”

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