We love and appreciate you

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i wanted to write a fluffyChristmas Story :3! i know a lil late but its fluuuff XD

Shipping in this : my fav otp Errormare

We love and appreciate you

Snowflakes fell outside the Castle.It was near evening and therefore the bad Sanses were busy with allpreperations regarding the Christmas days. Horror and Dust were outin the forest to get a fitting christmas tree for the living room, Error was doing the cooking while Killer and Cross were helping Nightmare with decorating the Castle in general. Yes even the bad Sanses were celebrating Christmas, normally Nightmare didn't want to,cause of the annoying and long preparations, but this year he let the others have their own "skelebration" as how Dust had called it. They had been very good boys in his eye and therefore this was his present to them. "Remind me after we are finished to take a nap" Killer mumbled tiredly and sat in one of the chairs in the livingroom just as Dust and Horror came back with a tree. Surprisingly it wasn't without branches, infact it looked normal enough for once. Nightmare chuckled and slightly shook his head at Killers complaining "You know this whole "Skelebration" thing was you Boys' Idea after all, i told you all, it would be a lot of work! Now help Horror and Dust with setting up the tree." Killer puffed out his cheeks as Cross pulled him away to help the other two skeletons who seemed to have a little trouble, handling the wood. Nightmare smiled at them.

Then he raised a brow as he heard a small yelp from the kitchen. He quickly went into the Kitchen to check the situation only to see his beloved husband, Error holding onto his hand having a pained expression. "Love? Are you okay ? What happend?", Night said as he worriedly came over and gently took the hand of the glitchy skeleton in his own and took a look at it, while waiting for an answer. "This stupid oven was too hot and then the stupid idiotic glove was gone and i had to take out the food, so i burned my hand rather instead of letting it burn in hell", Error said angrily and pouted afterwards glaring at the oven. Nightmare gave a gentle smile and kissed Errors cheek in order to calm him down."Hey dear you shouldn't get so angry about this, come here love, i heal it up for you okay ?". Error nodded still stressed and hugged Night close laying his head on his goopy husbands chest, sighing as Nightmare healed the irrititated area and then began to rub Errors back gently. "hmm I love you Nighty!" Error mumbled quietly but for Nightmare clearly to understand. "Aww I love you too my sweet Ruru" Night smiled at Error and then kissed him. "You know since I am finished with cooking i gotta show you something, but we need to go to the study room." Error pulled Nightmare to the said room and vanished again telling him to wait for him there. The goopy skeleton was confused and looked around as the light suddenly went out. "Just great!.. Ruru? Where are you Sweetheart? Hm... I swear christmas days are so exhausting". He huffed and tried to find the door only to bump into someone. Night blinked now even more confused. "uh Ruru? ....Anyone ?....!!!". Suddenly the light was back and all of the Boys and Error were  standing in front of Nightmare making him yelp in surprise. They had a birthday cake standing right in front of the king of negativity and were smiling. "what?" he asked confused. Then it hit him, it was his day of birth, he had completely forgotten about it, a smile appeared on his face and he blushed softly.

"Happy Birthday Papa!" the Boys exclaimed at the same time and smiled all brightly. "Heheh Happy Birthday Honey!" Error said kissing his husband deeply. "Thank you all i... i don't know what to say...hm, why are you doing this for me ?" he kept being flustered and happy.

Error nodded to Killer, Cross, Horror and Dust and they all together said "cause we love and appreciate you Nightmare" Nightmares soul bounced at this and he felt so grateful to have such a loving husband and family with him.

This was truely the best christmas present he could have ever gotten. He embraced all of them with his tentacles and pulled them gently close. "Thank you, my sweet family." They all remained in eachothers embrace keeping the warmth of their souls in harmony.

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