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it was 6:43am and I didn't wanna go back asleep, so I get dressed in a white thin long sleeves with a black ripped jumper, tights with a design on them and a black skirt

I wipe off my old makeup and put on some eyeliner, I open my door and hear Effy getting dressed in her room, I creep downstairs and open the door and leave

I start walking and Effy comes out of the front door slamming it behind her "Where have you been?" She snaps, "Oh I got lost" I awkwardly smile

"Whatever, I'm going to meet with Panda" She pushed past me and left, I went the opposite way of her, I was going the same way Cook was but had no intention of meeting him

"I'm going to pick up give me 20 quid and I'll buy you some" Effy shouted, I grab too tens out of my bag and throw it at her, "Thanks." I shout


I sit down on a bench and light a spliff, I grab my bag while still smoking the spliff and walk to college, I walk in and it's almost packed of people like usual

I notice a new janitor who looked quite young, "New janitor?" I ask him, "Yes, my name is Thomas so glad to meet you" He shakes my hand and I walk away

I notice Effy and she hands me the bag I paid her to get me, I put it in my pocket and she says "I'm heading off mum said we have to go home."

I hated college, so I didn't hesitate, we walk out of school, "What's wrong Eff?" I ask her, "Caught Mum nailing Steve, dads line manager" She cries

"Shit!" I shout, she holds back tears from her eyes, there was nothing but silence for the rest of the way home


We walk in the house and hear dad talking about Steve, not in a bad way a good way "Come on girls sit down." Mum shouts from the table

I sit down and dads talking about Steve, "So Dave tells Steve exactly how it is he doesn't pull his punches so Steve said let's take this outside Dave you tosser!" He says

Me and Effy stare at mum showing no expression she puts her head down in guilt, I take a sip from my champagne, Mum tries to stop dad from talking about Steve and try to change the topic

The doorbell rings a few times, "That'll be him now" he says and gets up off his seat, "What?" Mum asks in confusion, "Well i invited Steve over for a drink, I made a friend!" Dad exclaims

"Look it's much more complicated than you think!" Mum whispers to me and a Effy, "It doesn't seem complicated, you're fucking our dads line manager, No biggie." Effy says sarcastically

"Just give me a chance to sort it out girls, Please." Mum says, "Right well, it's not Steve but uh look who it is" Dad says then sits back down, I look to my left and see Pandora and Thomas

Dad asks for her name again, she tells him then she says "Hi Effy, Hi Aphrodite, Hi Anthea, Hi Jim, this is Thomas guess what we've been snogging!" Pandora smiles

"Never." Effy says sarcastically, "Yeah and we need some advice, I raise my eyebrows and she whispers to us "We've got a shitload of weed, come quick Effy and Aphro!!"

"Let's take this upstairs shall we?" Me and Effy get off our seats and walk upstairs "I've been doing it with tongues" Panda says

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