chapter 11.

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Julian's POV.

Have you ever felt like you're deep in a hole, it's long and huge and when you try to look up you don't see anything. The sun comes and goes and it's the same fuckin routine every fuckin day and when you feel like you trying to get used to it, it had started to feel like home, ok now I can be comfortable in this hole you say. That's when God shows you that your not supposed to be there and he lets out a  heavy rain   so that you have no where to hide coz at that very moment the hole will be filled with water and you don't have anywhere to hide hence leading you to sink and get stuck in one place.

With no where to run or hide but your only place is in that deep hole which had started to feel home to you but than boom one day it gets destroyed.

If you understand what am saying than we are on the same page coz right this damn minute I feel like that. I left chicago to come to Boston so that I can get a better life after my boyfriend of ten years left me to marry another man. I have started to like it here, I was fine, single but happy, I had a normal life, my working routine was going great,I had forgotten about my ex, trying to prove to him that I'm worth.

Boston was the best place for me. Everything was going according to plan, everything was more than fine coz I was comfortable.........

But now I don't, I feel like I am in that deep hole and it's getting filled with water I can't get out because I am stuck, I can't go back to Chicago. I am pregnant and Chicago isn't my home anymore but at this point I don't feel comfortable in Boston any more. Now everyone is saying why, Boston is the great, affordable, comfortable place in the whole world. I can't argue with that it's indeed a great place to be in expect the changing whether which I hate but that's not the point here, the point is that....

How can I say this without being rude ok like this...

Boston now is my worst town I have ever  been in, since I found out that we live with monsters or say vampires,I think that's not rude like the blood sucker right yeah yeah right..... But here is the thing, I was comfortable, forgot all my past life and I had built another one yet a "vampire" lured  me in to sex which by the way I liked so damn much I can't complain, don't blame me if you see ulric and his dick you would be like me... Please sorry I want to stay on point


He didn't actually force me to have sex with him no, I had a right to push him away but I didn't and I gave him my body resulting, me  getting pregnant with his child. I am a man and I got pregnant here in Boston, I accepted that and decided to keep the child. Yeah what's the worst can happen, nothing, I will take care of my baby, I said and start to be happy. 

Then I started to crave blood, yeah blood and I said ok pregnant people crave different things, weird things and accepted that too but..yes there is a but.. that wasn't the worst part people, the worst part was to find out that the father of this baby is actually a vampire yeah you heard me right ulric is a damn vampire, with fangs, red eyes and claws.

Then you find out that the baby is also a vampire,you know finding out that your baby who is growing inside of you is a vampire. What do you do guys coz am freaking out. Whenever the baby moves around my stomach I fear for the worst. When did my life turn out to be like this, why didn't I see it sooner, when did my life change drastically, I don't feel comfortable in this town anymore.I fear to move, I always watch my back coz blood suckers might be watching me ewwwww, I groaned out loud, this baby doesn't want me to call them that. it always kicks me hard when I say that word, I think it hates it.


That's another thing, this baby inside of me seems like it can feel or hear anything. Whatever I think about its "people" in s bad way I get a kick or all babies are like that, I don't know and I'm afraid to find out.

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