chapter 39.

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Trigger warning.

Ulric' POV

We have been fighting for almost forever and so far I haven't seen the people I so desperately want to kill. We have managed to pass through all the traps the bastard put our way, thanks to serevin who had been keeping an eye on this place. So far I have lost half my warriors but even Khair had lost many. They were surprised when we got to this place passing there traps.

Stupid! That's the only word I should describe them, they think just because I was distracted by Julian I didn't know that they were building some thing like this. The problem was I didn't know why Khair was building this place. This is the same place his son was killed years ago. The question still remains why was he building this place?.

I pulled out a heart of a loner vampire watching turned to ashes thin air swallowing him up plus its heart that was in my hand, going right to the next one killing it without a problem with my speed that no one compares to.

I felt adrenaline pumping through my veins as I kill a loner  per loner but this wasn't enough, all I need was to reach Khair and kill him with my bare hands and all these stupid loners are just wasting my time. I look at serevin who was busy Killing vampires with a smile on his face "I want to look for Khair cover me" I tell him still pulling out hearts, not stopping for a minute.

"Be careful" I gave him a thumbs up as I passed by the loners chanting some words as I watched them burn to ashes with out lifting a finger.  I reached a certain door, I chanted some words for it to open because it was locked but before completing the door was pushed open hitting me hard in the face and the impact was so powerful it made me fall on my back.

I smirked ok, " a witch" I said wiping blood from my lip and nose, I stood up looking at the old man who was standing in front of me holding a stick. We made eye contact for a second. I looked behind me to see if my people are fine when I heard loud growls. They were happy because we were winning but I can feel how powerful this witch was. I have taken long without using my magic but I think this was time to pull all I have out.

I was about to attack when khair made his presence known, besides him was Soren who had that stupid creep smile of his on. They stood behind the witch like the cowards they are. Serevin, Leilani and sterling were besides me in a blink of an eye growling loudly at them. The witch was calm his eyes where fixed on me and I think he can feel my anger and how powerful i am right now.

Normally when I let my beast out, like I did yesterday I feel weak for the next few days but this involves Julian I feel Powerful.

" If you still want that dead heart of yours Khair hand Julian to me" I said warningly pointing at him.

" Oh Ulric is that how you greet your old friend" he smirked at me as a deep growl tore out of my lips. I looked behind and my warriors had managed to kill every loner vampire and they were now standing behind of me eyes glaring at Khair.

" I think you don't have an option seeing that we have killed all your stupid warriors" I say seriously, I don't have time for this. All I need to see is my Julian.

" Do you think I care if You have killed them or not" he snorted shaking his head,my eyes were burning in to him and if they could burn he would have been to ashes by now.

" I just wanted you to exhaust yourself Ulric though I don't know how you all escaped my traps. They where hard to see and pass through" he said as if thinking of something.

"We all know I am more smarter than you Khair" I was getting impatient, I don't know how my baby was doing. I need to see him.

" Ok, I can give you that lord Ulric" he moved in front of the witch looking at me up and down " let me see whether your smarter when you see this" he put his hands up, I followed his hand and my eyes widened in shock seeing Julian hanged up half naked showing his Hugh belly. I felt my knees buckle seeing him in that position, oh my gods.

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