The Way He Loves Me

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Sitting across me was my beautiful husband as he as dug into his fried rice with a fork. He looks up at me and caught me staring at him causing him to break into a small smile.

I love his smile, one of the many things that I fell in love with. He just got back from work less than an hour ago and I made sure to be up when he came home. After a few years together, it's truly the little things that matter.

The way he would do his best to stay awake just so he could hear all about my day and spend time with me. How he listens intently to every word that leaves my mouth, cracking a few jokes here and there, aiming to annoy me as I continue on with my ramblings. Even after years together, he patiently waits for me to get everything out of my system. With him, I feel heard and important.

It's in the little things. It's in the way he calls me beautiful even when I'm not. It's the way he looks at me so lovingly even when I'm at my worst. It's the way he holds me at night right before bed, and how he still holds me no matter how much we moved all night. It's the way he rubs my back or stomach when I'm sad or in pain.

It's the way he remembers the little things I mention in passing and the way he puts importantance to my feelings no matter how small. It's the way he knows the changes in the tone in my voice and it's the way he knows something is wrong before I do. It's the way he protects me and keeps me safe. It's the way he looks at me and the way he talks to me.

It's the way he stares at me when I get all dressed up and how he compliments me and I know he means it because I can see it in his eyes. It's the way he brings an extra spoon when he's eating cereal because he knows I want some. It's the way he shares everything with me, and how he feeds me whenever I want a bite of his food.

It's the way he calls me when he's heading back home from work just so we can spend that extra 15 to 20 minutes together. The way he would take me to the grocery store because I love going there. It's the way he makes sure that I'm always the first one to know anything about him. How he shows me the new shirt he got and how he shows me the new drink he bought and how he waits to tells me the good news first even though he's been excited to tell everyone all day.

It's the way he holds me tight at night when we're about to fall asleep. The way he tucks me in when he has to leave early and I'm still asleep. It's the way he kisses me so gently yet passionately. It's the way he cradles me when I need to be held and how he holds me on his lap because it's one of my favorite places to sit on...

It's the way he doesn't get mad at me for losing in videogames. It's the way he enjoys spending time with me no matter what we're doing. It's the way he makes time for me despite a long busy day. It's the way his voice changes when he's talking to me and it's the way his voice softens when he's comforting me.

It's the way he says I love you to me. He always means it every time. It's the way he treats me. How he takes care of me.

It's in the little details and big moments in our life together. My husband is wonderful man, he's hard working and he's got a heart of gold. He's effortlessly hilarious and extremely amazing. He's out of this world and he's the most handsome man I've ever seen. So attractive and so sexy.

I definitely lucked out when he came into my life, he chose me even though it was going to be very difficult. He chose me even though it will be lonely for a couple years. Those nights where we slept alone, with our phones beside us as we slept together through the calls. I still remember the first time I fell asleep on the phone with him, it's my first time ever sleeping with anyone who isn't my family. Even before we became a couple, it was so easy to be vulnerable with him. He made my life better. He made me want to keep going.

He makes me whole and he makes me feel alive. He's everything and more. More than what I asked for in life. He's my life. I thought it was a joke when people said they married your best friend. I thought it would be impossible for that to ever happen but I quickly ate my words when I married mine.

My husband is my best friend, this man have listened to more gossips than you can possibly imagine. He's really my person in every way. He's the best person out there and there's no doubt in that. He's so funny and so loving, so kind, so caring, protective and the list goes on...

My husband is my home, my person and my world. I can go on and on about him because he's that amazing to me. He's the reason I am who I am today, he plays such a big part in my life and I am so glad we existed in this lifetime together. He's my soulmate and I know even in the next lifetime, he and I will be together.

As I watched him finish up his fried rice, he reached out to grab my hand from across our tiny dining table, snapping me back into reality.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice gentle and deep.

"I love you baby," I replied as I caress his hand.

After we got everything settled and spent quality time together, we got ready for bed. When I came into our bedroom, my husband was asleep and so I climbed into bed with him. I slowly tucked myself underneath the covers and placed one of my hands under his arm and used my other arm to wrap around him to pull myself into his body. Automatically, he pulled me in and held me tight. He does this even when he's deep asleep, one of the many things that still makes my heart flutter. I nuzzled into his neck and fell asleep with him.

After the long time we were apart, every detail of every physical contact is so important to us. Every touch, every caress, every kiss and every embrace mattered. It's in the way he touches me, the way he's got his hands on me whenever possible. It's the way he's always reminding me he loves me. It's in the subconscious acts of love, ones we aren't even aware of.

I'm lucky. I'm beyond blessed. I found a good man and I vow and I promise to love him with all my heart. I promise to always be there by his side no matter the weather. I vow to always put him above everything else in my life. I promise that we will always be a team. He's my everything. And so.. I wanted to tell him on his special day.. That I love him so much.. And that...

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