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Airports have always been an interesting place for me. I love the idea of packing up and going somewhere. The thrill of going through the airport shops and gates as you wait for your boarding time to arrive. I've felt this way ever since I started travelling.

When I was younger, I hated it because airports meant my parents were going away without me. It always meant they were leaving me behind to be on my own. I grew up with my grandmother, who was also quite absent in my life. I spent days outside playing with neighbor's children. When I gotten hurt, I know how to treat my wounds and I became a big girl fast.

Before I knew it, I became a woman. Who didn't need others. I worked my ass off and I managed to move out of my grandmother's place in a tiny apartment near the city. It was a decent place and I loved it because it was all mine. My parents never came back after that last trip abroad. I stopped asking why.

When I saved up enough money, I travelled somewhere close by. It was an hour flight and ever since that first plane ride. I was hooked on travelling. I loved every moment of it.

Even the stressful times during lines and during immigration. Thank God for automated machines because I absolutely hate talking to people. I may have gotten through my life on my own but it does not mean I've learned to be social.

In the airports you find different walks of life. And if you stop and really observe, then you will look suspicious so I suggest you do not do that. But everyone have their own reasons to be here. They could be leaving the country to work overseas to save money for their family. They could be going on a vacation after 10 years of being afraid to fly. Or that couple over there are going for their honeymoon. Or maybe they're getting a divorce and this is their last trip to save their marriage. That man could be going to another country to get treatment for his sickness. Or the woman over there maybe to travelling to see her daughter giving birth in two days. Maybe that couple is going on their first trip together. Maybe the woman is going to see her mother in the hospital right before she passes. Or maybe someone is headed to a funeral of a parent they were just talking to last night. Maybe they have a business trip to attend to or they have a new job offer in another country. Or they're going for an exchange programme for school.

So many reasons and I thought mine would only be because of travelling. To see the world. To see why my parents never came back for me. But now that I've done a bit of travelling myself, I just don't understand them even more. And despite my interest and love for the airport, it is still bittersweet to pull up to the entrance. Only this time, I don't cry anymore.

This all changed though when I met him. We met on this Facebook as I was scrolling mindlessly through my feed. It was a Sunday afternoon and I had nothing better to do when this friend request popped into my notifications. I clicked on it and the profile had no pictures and no biography. We had no mutual friends and I know nothing about him. I accepted it and I messaged him.

If I only knew my life was going to change right there, I would have jumped for joy. Though it was pretty slow in the beginning, this man was everything I ever wanted except he was more than 9000 miles away from me. He was tall, he's very handsome and he have such a good heart.

He makes me laugh and he have such a dark humor that I absolutely love. He's generous and kind, he is amazing and honest. He is the definition of what a man should be. He was the man I didn't know I needed. I've been pretty independent all my life and when I fell in love with him, I found myself needing him.

I needed him everyday and we callled from time to time. I would get excited when we would talk and I was thrilled to wake up because it meant I get to talk to him again. This blossomed into a wonderful friendship and after much force and a little mouth action, I managed to be his girlfriend.

Through the ups and downs, we have went on dates, videocalled, tried to watch movies, send mail, called everyday and slept on the phone together, we have exchanged stories about our lvies and about movies and the happenings in our daily lives. It took a lot of patience and a lot of love to make this work.

Though it may have taken us a while to save up and see each other, before I knew it, I was packing my luggage, making sure to remember to bring all the gifts I've collected over the months and the letters I've written for my lover. The airport became an amazing place to me. This was my way of being with my other half. We spent enough time talking through our phone screens and my baby deserve a good hug.

I dragged my luggage and headed to checked it in. This was going to be a long ass flight and it was going to be so worth it. As I sent him my final text for the day, I looked around again and the airport wasn't so bad anymore. I still loved it but I don't despise it anymore. In a few hours, I was going to be with the love of my life. And I'm going to hold him close to me and hang on to him. He's my best friend and he's been so patient waiting for me. You can definitely love someone you never met. Because he knows me better than anyone ever will and even though the airport was a place that I last saw my parents, the airport was the place I finally will meet the one.

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