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Surprises are beautiful. They come in forms of words, gifts, events or trips. They come in good and bad forms but at the end of the day, they take you aback because you don't see it coming.

I've always loved surprises growing up but most of the time, I pretended not to know about it because I did not want to disappoint the people who took time and effort to surprise me. And on the other hand, I'm terrible at surprising people. It would work out if I plan it a couple days before their birthday or the event... But I would plan it about a month or more in advance and I would get so excited to see their reaction and it's impossible to keep it to myself. It hasn't been easy planning surprises without blurting out about it before it's even completely done. And overtime, I stopped surprising people and I just told them what I was doing or planning because I know I will probably just end up spilling the beans.

I met the love of my life in year of 2018. He's the most beautiful person to ever exist in this life. He's the reason why I am so excited about life and surprises in general. He always have something up his sleeves and he remembers the tiniest detail about me. Like that one time I talked about burrito blankets and he got that for me on my 22nd birthday. And that one time I mentioned I wanted us to sing together and before I knew it, he had a microphone in his possession to prepare for our songs together.

He never lies to me (unless he was trying to mess with me like there's creepy things happening in my room as I went to pee and such) but he definitely can keep his surprises as surprises. I admire that about him. Every birthdays we had together, I made him a compilation video with songs playing in the background and not once did we make it to his birthday without watching it first.

I remember the first time he surprised me, he told me he was singing me a song and it took him a few weeks to learn it. I accidentally saw the playlist he made and he recently added a new song to it so I pretended not to know because I know how much he was trying to learn the song. He sang it very well may I add. I love his voice.

The second time he surprised me was of a picture he drew of a penguin, a deer, shapes of the country and state we were in and including the funniest text message we sent to each other. Our score system was only in the 50s then and now we're in the 3500s to 4000s. Him being the latter. I remember when he told me he wrote me a letter for Valentine's Day during our first Valentine's together. That was the first time a partner ever wrote me a letter without me having to ask for it. He remembered when I told him I loved handwritten letters.

I remember when he surprised me with a date idea that we both ended up doing. It was on July 2019, we got our food while we went different directions, him in his car and I walked, and we stopped at a certain destination. We had our little date and we ended up cutting it short due to private reasons. We didn't even finish our food and I spent 75 percent of the time trying to find somewhere to sit.

He never fails to surprise me. Even after two and half years together, he still tries his best to surprise me. I admire that. Because I can really see the effort he puts in to make me smile.

The most memorable surprise he had for me was on my birthday, we danced to the playlist we had together and he slow danced with me in our individual bedrooms. He held me tight and I held him tight and we just danced. It was the most beautiful experience I've ever had. I am so thankful for that.

He really loves surprises so I wanted to try hard to surprise him, through mails (which I end up telling him about anyway), through songs or through gifts.. All of which, I always tell him beforehand. In fact, my recent attempt at surprising him, failed again.

At first I wanted to keep the video to myself but I ended up persuading him to watch it, he also found out about the music box and about the special gift I have prepared. It slipped my mouth accidentally. I swear.

But despite it all, he would still smile and ask me "Are you sure you want to tell me?" and I always do. Because I love seeing his reaction. I love how he first responds with a face that looks so touched and then he would break into a warm smile and sometimes a laugh because I end up telling him the surprise. Almost 3 years together and this man had me memorized... And I wish one day I'll be able to surprise him and really keep it to myself.

I don't know why I wrote this. Maybe to say thank you because even though his girlfriend can't surprise him to save his life, he always seems so happy anyway. And maybe surprising someone isn't always about catching them off guard but just the fact that you can make them happy.

I want him to feel so special that he forgets all the times he didn't feel special. He deserves it and I hope in our time together, I get to make it up to him for all the time he didn't special.

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