Chapter 3: Mission success

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n you're mission is to retrieve on of the Curse king's finger in Fukushima." Ijichi-san was telling you more about the details of the mission. "We've tracked it down and it is hidden at the top of Tsukuba-jo castle."

The Tsukuba-jo castle is said to be the only red tiled roof from the time before it got demolished. Climbing the top floor, seeing the Mt. Bandai and Iimori Hill as well as the towns cape of Aizu with be a good reward after you have your hands on that finger and exorcize a couple of curses on the way.

Cursed spirits can't be avoided when retrieving a special grade curse item such as Sukuna's finger so you're well aware that you'll be facing some along the way. "Got it." You replied. "Here is a little something from Gojo-san. He says to have fun too." He handed you the money that Gojo gave to you. "A little you say."

You count them all and it totals up to 5000 yen. Handling this much money made your hands tremble. Sure, you were born in a wealthy clan but it is still the money of your father and its still not yours. "I can see you're the favorite niece." Ijichi-san comments. As much as you want to deny. Gojo sensei spoils you to much.

"I'll be driving you to the train station. You'll be taking the one way trip as it is much faster." You were about to turn around and get your Suica card but you've forgotten that it was with you the entire time. "Let's go shall we?" You followed behind as you both proceed to get the car.

A ten minute drive with a two minute interval stop as the traffic began, we finally reached the train station. "Be safe and have a great day." You nod in response, eyes squinting as you gave him a smile. You simply touch the Suica card to the reader at the ticket gate. You got to pass through it and finally step in the train as it opens for you and the other people waiting.

90 minutes passed and the train stops at your destination. Stepping out, the air of Fukushima greets you. On cue it was time for lunch. A short walking distance from here, you arrive around Kitaka, deciding to try the local ramen.

The noodles are thick and flat with a relatively high amount of moisture, and are characterized by its firm appearance and texture. The soup has a soy sauce base, with flavors varying widely depending on the shop, from miso to salt. 

You didn't go to Tsukuba-jo castle just yet since you felt that you would vomit if you fight after you just ate. So you decided to buy some sweets for your sweet tooth sensei and souvenirs like he always does to you for a change.

You bought at least five of these folk craft, the Okiagari-Koboshi, a representative of Aizu region. A figurine of a little priest with a soft and smiling expression.

Locals have a New Year tradition in which they buy these dolls in amounts of one more than the number of members in their families, with the hopes of bringing their family prosperity and health because this figure stands up as soon as it falls down. It is thought to represent the ability to do good work.

You've decided to give your father one after you've finished the task at hand. You felt that the food has gone down to your tummy and you were feeling like you wanted to see the sunset after a day's work.

Without anymore delay, you put the figurines inside your bag and went inside the castle. Going in the lobby with a huge crowd of tourist. You had the opportunity to slip away from the group. Walking secretly alone the steps to the top floor. You felt two low grade cursed spirits cautiously following you.

Though they are low grade, it is safe to be more cautious then they are to you. As your hands clutched the strap of your bag. You observe everything, there in the middle, stood a huge temple dedicated to the Buddha. At the bottom of the figure was a vintage hand-carved wooden camphor chest.

The strong malice sense of malice in that box is a sure sign that the finger was hidden in there. You were about to approach the antique box when the two cursed spirits have let their presence be known as they were standing in front of you. Blocking the way for you to get that box.

"You've decided to show yourselves." Two cursed spirits with different appearances. One is more or a caterpillar that came back to life while the other one has a head of a mosquito with its pointy needle that could suck your blood dry. "Two against one, now that's not fair."

The caterpillar cursed spirit aggressively came to you to attack first. "Castle, castle castle!" He utters.
You dash away from where you stood as it misses to hit you with its steel like tail. "Nice try!" You ran up to it, leaping through the air. With tremendous strength fusing it with curse energy on your left leg.

You kicked it down to the ground as the ground cracked on the spot where you concentrate all your strength. Making a lot of damage to the caterpillar as it yelped in pain until it fades away.

The damn caterpillar got all your attention that you forgot the other one as it gave you a cut on the neck. That it will leave you a pesky scar later. It  pinned you to the ground, the needle inching closer to your head. With major strength. "View, view, view!"  You stop it from sucking you dry.

You attacked its body with a solid kick as it screeched in pain, loosing its grip  and is backing away from you. "Try harder!" You ran up to him increasing your speed as you did and gathered curse energy from your arm as you punch the same area you punched it before.

It coughs off black liquid. Spilling a little into your cheek, as his proboscis was torn off of its head before it dies and vanishes. You were a panting mess, catching up to the rhythm of your rapid heart beat. After a couple of seconds you've relaxed and proceed to walk towards the box that contains Sukuna's finger.

You opened the rusty old wooden box to see if it was there. You took a peek and saw it was the real deal. With enough space, you put the box underneath everything you have in your bag. Putting out everything and placed the box first then putting everything back again.

You wiped the sweat trickling down your forehead as you faced the big windowless pane. Seeing the sun set, gazing down at the mountain, the hill and the townsacape of  Aizu  in Fukushima. "First mission and I'm slaying it."

You praised yourself for successfully doing a great job on your first mission without even a companion accompanying you. "Let's go back to Tokyo." You grab your bag and walked down the stairs. Secretly inserting yourself in another group of people without suspicion.

Heading out of the Tsukuba-jo castle, without wasting time. You walked in a fast pace going to the train station for another 90 minute ride going back to Tokyo. You did the same as earlier. Touch the Suica card to the reader at the ticket gate then- Bam! You're straight to getting in the train.

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