Chapter 8: Thanks For The Food!

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Y/n's POV

You were feeling a bit exhausted. It's not shocking since you've done your all in exorcizing that cursed spirit from the sewer earlier. "The sun's setting." Itadori was looking out the window. Lingering his eyes on the sun falling as the moon rises.

You looked at the sunset as well. It was like a relaxing reward for you at the end of the day. Seeing the sunset makes you calm inside somehow. "Say, what do you want for dinner?" Gojo asks the both of you.

You thought of something you want to eat and lately, you've noticed that your father, as well as your maid, prepares leafy green vegetables for you. Whether if it was with soup or not and you've grown sick of eating vegetables so you've thought about eating meat right now.

"Sensei I want meat." You requested your sensei to find a location where meat is always served. "Ok, Yuuji-kun?" He asks the pink-haired. "Not sure but I'll get what she gets." He went along with your choice.

"Meat it is!" The drive going to school again took at least a ten-minute drive. You, Itadori and Gojo sensei could have gone and eaten right now but you three would never leave Fushiguro behind. "I'll give Megumi a call."

Gojo picked his phone right out of his pocket and dials the black-haired. "Yo~ Get dressed we're dining somewhere!" He told him. The phone call shortly ends and everyone waited for Fushiguro to show up. "Fushiguro! Here!" Itadori waves at him to catch his attention.

He turns around and walked towards you. He was wearing the same school uniform earlier. "You didn't change clothes?" Gojo sensei asked. "I head straight to bed and took a nap." Fushiguro scratches the back of his head.

"Besides it's going to be awkward when I'm in casual clothes while everyone is in their uniform." He has a point, you scoot a little, providing Fushiguro space to sit. It ended up you being in between the two males.

While you were moving near Itadori. You've felt his hand on yours. His touch was warm, real cosy. You looked at him and he looks back. You both blushed slightly and took both hands away from each other.

"So I've looked up restaurants and I found a place where I did visit one time with a date." He shares. "Not surprising." Fushiguro abruptly comments as you nodded in agreement. "Sensei is a womanizer?!" Itadori exclaims. Fushiguro and I gave him a nod and he couldn't it.

"Hey, how do you know that Y/n-chan? I mean sure Megumi-kun knows. Can't hide that fact." He asks you and you gave him and are you a serious look. "While you go to places, you've always sent me pictures and I've realized that every girl you bring is different sensei."

"I am certainly convinced that I'll never see my future younger cousin/s a.k.a your children." You continue as you sigh, disappointment was visible on your face. Gojo felt a sense of guilt then clears his throat.

"Well haha...anyway does Ebisu grill sounds good to you?" He asks his students. "Yup." You and the two guys responded to him. "Ijichi you heard the kids." Ijichi turned to the right going to the Ebisu station then after a minute the restaurant was in view.

Ijichi-san parks the car and everyone got out. "Order to your heart's content. No holding back kids." He announced.

Your eyes and Itadori's lit up from the joyous sound of ordering a lot while Fushiguro was happy making Gojo's pocket hurt even though he does not intend to ear everything and might pack it back to school.

Heading in with everyone except Ijichi-san because he got a call from the principal to pick him up to another place. "You're not joining in?" You asked him. "I'm sorry, I have work to do." He apologizes then leaves while he says goodbye.

You were kind of sad that he wasn't in on the dinner but it the reason was work so it's fine. The four of you took the table meant for four people. You took the red seat on the left while Gojo sat beside you.

The two boys were on the other side. It means Itadori was in front of you. You realize that you should be careful about how you eat because it would be embarrassing to let him see you shamelessly stuffing your face with a lot of meat.

A waiter came and starts to ask what would we like to have. "Good evening gentlemen..." He trails as he lands his eyes on you. "Good evening to you as well Miss." As if he wasn't obvious about openly flirting with you using his eyes.

His eyes still linger on you. He was blinded by your beauty that he doesn't even notice you wearing a uniform that indicates you are still a minor. Itadori clears his throat and the waiter snapped out of his thoughts. "So what's for dinner?" He asks us.

"Oh- If you want to fully experience-" Gojo cuts him off by advertising the restaurant himself. "Try the recommended Premium Sirloin or Tenderloin Course!"

"They cost about 6,000 JPY
The centrepiece is a superb, snow-aged sirloin or tenderloin steak, and this course also includes a 3-hour all-you-can-drink as well! If I remember correctly." Gojo smiles.

"Y-yes you are right sir..." The waiter awkwardly replied. You, Itadori and Fushiguro all nod your heads as if you three understood each other. "We'll have everything!" You three replied in unison. "You heard them." The waiter then went away with our order.

The dinner was served and everyone's mouths were watering by the look of tender meat laying on the table. The fragrance of the food wasn't even helping. "Thanks for the food." Everyone clasps their hands together then grab their chopsticks.

Savouring the food in your mouth, you couldn't help but take another bite, then another, then another then- you finally stop for a moment and realized the one thing you had to never show to Itadori no matter what. Being a gloat and a messy eater.

Your cheeks tinted a shade of light pink as you stuff the last piece of meat that's in between your chopsticks. Steadily slowing down the speed of chewing. "Here." You got a little startled by his voice. He extends his hand and wipes the sauce on your fingers.

You grabbed the cloth to wipe the sauce off of your face. "You still have on here." He points his left cheek to indicate where you've missed a spot to wipe off. You wiped it off then set the cloth aside.

Little did the two of you know that Gojo was looking at the cute scene you two portray like he was in a VIP seat watching a movie up close. "Is it me or are we a bother Megumi-kun?" Gojo asks the spiky black-haired.

Fushiguro didn't bother to answer the sensei. Both you and Itadori froze as you two heard your sensei/uncle. This is the second time he's the reason for this awkward encounter again today you thought as you look at Gojo. Glaring at him for what he's done.

To your relief, at least dinner was done and there were still leftovers to take. While heading out with stuffed tummies. Gojo spins around and smirks. "The night's still young. Why don't we go Karaoke?" He was eager to go. You can see it in his face.

His face of pure persuasion. You, Itadori and Fushiguro looked at each other. Itadori was up for it and you were itching to sing this past few days. While Megumi wasn't really on board but two against one, he's on the losing side so he has to suck it up and come along.

"Ok!" You and Itadori agreed with the sensei. "I'm fine with it I guess..." Fushiguro scratches the back of his head. He knew he was forced to say it. He was the only one who doesn't want to nonetheless. "That settles it, let's go!"

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