Chapter 4: Meeting Sukuna's Vessel

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Y/n's POV

Arriving late at night, you got off the train station only to be greeted by a personal body guard from your clan with Ijichi-san beside him. Ijichi-san was slightly trembling if you were observant enough.

You wonder why a personal body guard was here. Though you were somehow thankful that he's here so you could just give the little souvenir to your dad and your old maid. "Good evening Y/n." Ijichi-san greeted. "Good evening Ijichi-san." You greeted him back with a smile.

"Y/n-sama." The personal body guard spoke. "Good evening to you too. May I ask why has father sent you here? Its not that I'd be going home is it?" You asked because why would he be sending a body guard? Its means he's sending you home.

"No you are mistaken my lady. Your father send me here to warn you." Your ears were all open. "To warn me of what?" You asked, getting a little curious. "Sukuna has been awaken and your father orders you to stay away from his vessel."

Sukuna has found his vessel?! You blink twice and clutch the bag hard. "Is that so..." What a coincidence, you just retrieve one of the Curse King's finger. "I will obey what father orders." You respond to your father's warning. "Very well my lady. I Shall take my leave."

"Wait-" You opened your bag and brought out two Okiagari-Koboshi, the folk craft of the Aizu region you just recently bought. "Give these to my father and Fuku-san for me." You hand him the two items. "I will give it to them safely, you have my word."

"Thank you." You replied back. With a bow he went far away. "He's a scary guy." Ijichi-san comments. "Eyes as cold as ice." He shivers to the  thought. "Don't worry Ijichi-san, I'll prevent him from ever laying a finger on you." You chuckled slightly, assuring him of that.

"I'm counting on you." He chuckles lightly. You and him went out to get the car as he drove you away from the train station going back to the school. "Encountered cursed spirits?" Ijichi-san started to question. "Two actually."

"Want to describe them?" He asks not really requesting or demanding to describe the curses you've fought earlier. "Well the other one looks like a caterpillar while the other one was a mosquito. Twice as big as me but I'm more stronger and faster."

Boasting your abilities, you also felt a sense of pride with your own clan's
Specialties. Tremendous strength with a tremendous amount of curse energy. You two have arrived and you got out of the car. "See you tomorrow Ijichi-san!" You wave at him. "See you tomorrow." He waves back at you.

Before you could turn around, a sudden thought came to mind. "Ijichi-san who do I give the finger to?" You asked him. "Its pretty late as it is. Just give them to either Gojo-san or Ieiri-san." He said. "Thank you." You turn around and walked away, going to your room.

As you set foot on your room, you put the bag under your bed and sat down at the edge. "Since Gojo sensei and Fushiguro aren't here. Hmm...why don't I chat with Gojo sensei. See what he's doing." You grab your phone and search for Gojo.

You grab the bag underneath your bed and placed it beside you. Removing everything what's inside your bag. You took a picture of the Okiagari-Koboshi and the sweets I've bought just for him or if Fushiguro would like them too.

Finally you took a picture of the antique wooden box that holds the Curse King's finger. You send a sticker that days hi. Then a minute passed and he sends a sticker with the word hello.

"Look what I have for you." -  You

Then you proceed to send the picture of the Okiagari-Koboshi and the sweets. He send a sticker with eyes that sparkle. Then you send the pic of the old box that would surely peak your sensei's interest even more.

"Great job Y/n-chan~" He replies.

"Come here quick or I'll eat your sweets." You teased.

"You wouldn't dare!" You laughed at his reply.

Then he sends a picture that contains Fushiguro kneeling down, while he covers his face. You noticed blood trickling on his forehead which got you all worried for your classmate and new friend.

"What happened?!" You replied to him asking him why he's in that condition.

"He fails the mission." Then he sends a sticker laughing.

This sighed to yourself and said goodnight to him as he did the same and you put back the things in the bag and put it under the bed. You lay down the bed, looking up the ceiling until you felt sleepy and closed your eyes.


Morning  came and your alarm came to wake you up from your slumber. You sat down on the bed, yawning as you stretch your arms. You scrub off the morning stars that formed on the inner corners of your eye.

You could say you had a good night's rest. As marks of saliva stains the cover of your pillow, how embarrassing. At least you were sleeping like a baby the whole night. You stayed sitting down a little bit more then stood up from bed ready to face another day.

Same as yesterday you took a bath and went in your room to wear your another pair of fresh uniform. You were still uncomfortable about the shorts but Gojo sensei was right to change the long skirt into shorts and yesterday was exactly why it was a good he changed.

Tough he could've changed it into long pants as your father would never agree if he sees you wearing these very short shorts right now. Good thing the body guard didn't see you wear them last night or he would have reported them to your father.

While you applied light make up on your face you heard voices outside and footsteps coming near. You step outside and saw Gojo leaning in the standing on the next door. "This is your room, you can do whatever you want with it." He said. Who is he talking to? You thought.

"Whoa its huge!" An unfamiliar voice shouts, amazed by how big the place is. "The second and third years are out right now. You'll meet them soon though there's not many of them anyway." You got more curious and decided to take a peak on who your sensei was talking to.

He was talking to a much younger male than him. He looks like right about your age. He has spiky pink undercut styled hair. The black colored parts of his hair is the undercut part. He has large light brown eyes while trailing down you noticed two other pair of close lid ones. What is he-

"Yuuji, you don't need to fight you know." Gojo spoke up. "Fushiguro, Y/n-chan my adorable niece whose at my back right now and I can go and retrieve Sukuna's fingers. Why don't you just wait here?"

Your eyes widens as he realizes your presence. All eyes were on you as you scratch the back of your head and step a bit forward. "Well Y/n-chan, introduce yourself to your new classmate!" Gojo encourages you to introduce yourself to a new classmate.

"H-hi my name is L/n Y/n nice to meet you." You introduce yourself, kind of a bit awkward but at least you've managed to introduce yourself first. "Hello I'm Itadori Yuuji, your new classmate." He beams a smile and extends a hand.

"You want me to shake your hand?" You asked him. "Uh-huh but I'd prefer doing a secret handshake when we're going to be close friends later on." You were about to reach his hand but you remembered the warning your father gave you via the body guard.

But unconsciously you proceed to shake his hand nonetheless. Then a sudden feel of guilt ran through your body with a mixture of thrill? This was the first time you have disobeyed your father and it was a new experience.

You just couldn't bring yourself to reject him even if you tried...

A Prominent Clan (Itadori x Fem! Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now