Chapter 9: This Again?!

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Y/n's POV

You were so hype to finally sing to your heart's desire that you can't feel giddy with excitement about it. "It seems like Y/n-chan couldn't hold on anymore. Guys let's agree she's going to be last to sing ok?" Gojo teased you, telling them to let you sing last.

Your smile turned into a pout. "Sensei~" You whine at him. He just smirks, never bothered to change his mind. "Hehe you're so cute my little niece~" He coos as he pinches your cheek. Pinching it so hard it left marks. Aww!" You yelp in pain.

He chuckles then gave you a pat on the head like a dog. "I was just joking." He sticks his tongue out. You rolled your eyes then stop to walk beside Itadori. You caressed the redden cheek.  "stupid sensei..." You mumbled.

Itadori notices you caressing your cheek and he thinks that what he saw was cute. How you pout like that while caressing your cheek. He slightly blushes then looks at the opposite direction with a small smile.

The Karaoke place wasn't really far from where you all ate so you four just walk going there. Setting foot on the place, you saw a group of people just heading out of the booth. Finally a vacant one was available for you and the three guys with you.

The said group of people were all guys your age. They seem to be that stereotypical slackers from school. Cutting classes everytime they get a chance. Two of them were wearing piercings and you know how school rules are strict and can't tolerate such offense.

Still, you don't know them and they were not your classmates. Even if they were, if they have no heart to change you wouldn't scold them from being like that. While the sensei is still flirting- you mean talking to the girl in charge of payment, you three were standing behind him.

The guy who seems to be the leader of the group walked towards you. "Hey there cutie, wanna hang out with us?" He invites you to the group to hang out. You looked at him them looked at their group. They were smirking at you. Shamelessly checking you out. All of their eyes intoxicating by lust.

You bit your lip, sure you were a strong fighter when it comes to curse spirits but talking about social skill and how should you appropriate respond to this situation was another story. No one ever taught you about these things. You were solely taught to fight not taught to interact.

You tried to respond but words couldn't come out of that mouth of yours. "Come on beautiful, tempted to come along with us?" He persuades you to come. Itadori saw how uncomfortable you were so he stepped in front of you. "Can't you see she's uncomfortable?" He asks the guy.

"Who the fuck are you? I'm talking to the girl I want." The guy snarls at Itadori. "Sure she doesn't wanna come with you. It's really obvious." Itadori was calm but you and Fushiguro knew better. He was being calm for the sake of not beating this guy to a pulp.

Itadori has really incredible strength than any normal human but you couldn't deny you were a lot stronger when it comes to physical strength and a huge amount of curse energy than he has. The difference is, he and Fushiguro have the guts to fist fight others while you on the other hand don't.

Fushiguro also stood up besides Itadori. Eyes narrowing at the guy as his hand curls into a fist. "Beat it or we'll beat you up one by one." Fushiguro warns him and the group, glaring at them. "Oh yeah." His members all came close as if they were really starting a fight right here right now.

"Great..." You thought. This could get really ugly. You just wanted to have fun and sing through the night. "Five against two. We could see who loses." The guy smirks at your two classmates. If they only knew...You turned to face Gojo, your sensei for help. You wouldn't really want to see guys fighting inside the premises.

As if you successfully communicate telepathic signals to your sensei. He notice your strong gaze at him then turns to you then to boys who were ready to get rowdy and roundhouse each other. He walks in between the group and the his two students.

"What seems to be the problem here?" He asks the boys, a firm serious tone. The group felt the intense coldness that Gojo wants them to feel. Fear was all written in their face even your classmates and you were scared of him now.

"Nothing sir, it was nothing." He nervously told your sensei then looks at you. Clearly seeing in his eyes the disappointment that he and the group could have some fun with you tonight. "If it's nothing, get out of my sight at once. I saw that your group has no business in here anymore right?!"

"Y-yes sir we're leaving!" They all scurry off of the building like they were dogs tucking their tails between their legs, scared as hell. "What was that anyway?" Gojo looks at the three of you, confused. Wanting to know the reason of starting a brawl.

"They want L/n to come with them." Itadori told Gojo. "Aha I see, I mean my niece has a nice body and a pretty face. Who wouldn't be enchanted by her- ouch!" Fushiguro hits the sensei's head. "Sensei your pervert side is showing. Stop harassing your own niece and student."

"Jeez I was just stating facts." You all went inside the Karaoke booth. Finally you could now get your hands on a microphone! It has been many months since you got to touch one of these. It was all training this and training that. "Rock, paper, scissors. Who wins sing first then who loses sing last." - Gojo

"Rock, paper, scissors shoot!" Everyone played the game. You and Itadori went with paper while Fushiguro wins as he went with scissors then Gojo loses as he went with rock. "What a plot twist, sensei you suck at this." You teased him.  Sticking your tongue out for revenge. "You ended up being last."

Then Fushiguro starts to sing. After that it was either you or Itadori. "Ladies first I guess." He scratches his head. You selected a song then started to sing. Everyone listened intently to your soothing voice. As if you were giving them a live vocal concert.

"Ahh it's been so long since I've got to hear your voice. It's till beautiful as ever." Gojo compliments your voice. "Isn't it Yuuji-kun?" He asks the pink-haired whose mouth hanging.

He realizes it and closes it. "Y-yeah." He selects a song for himself. Completely out of it, he suddenly presses a wrong number then starts to input it again.

"Not bad Yuuji-kun, not bad at all!" Gojo cheers for the pink-haired which Itadori responds by smiling at the sensei. "My turn~" Gojo went hype mode as he sang his favorite song.

Everyone had their turn. Until it was the last song. "Hey, Yuuji-kun, Y/n-chan why don't you two have a duet." Gojo suggests. "Do it for your sensei guys." You and Itadori both look at each other. You were shy at first then Itadori lends you a spare mic. "Let's give them a show."

He smiles at you sweetly and who would dare reject him when he's like this?! You grabbed the mic from him then smiled back. "Let's give them a show!" You chirped then Gojo starts to clap his hands. "Yes, sing together~"
You and Itadori stood up together while holding your mics and wait for the song to play.

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