Chapter 7: Noodle trouble Pt.2

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Y/n's POV

"The curse you two will handle today is a cursed spirit that absorbs strength and curse energy." He informed you and Itadori about the cursed spirit's ability. "Imagine a cup of noodles with water in it." Both of you started to imagine.

"The noodles absorbs water rather quickly right?" He asks you and Itadori. "Uh-huh." You and Itadori both nod at him. "That's how fast this curse spirit would absorb everything until it will also absorb your own bodys."

"Yikes." You shudder. "Why are you scared for?" Gojo asks you. "Your curse energy decrease ten times slower than Yuuji." You scratch the back of your head as you stick out your tongue. "Is that so..." You embarrassly chuckled lightly.

"So I need you to be a decoy on this mission and Yuuji, you will be the one to attack first then switch positions when the curse spirit is in its weakened state." He organized a plan attack ahead for the both of you. "Got it."

"The location of the cursed spirit is a tight one where the sun never shines." Ijichi-san spoke. "It lives in an underground sewer in the city."

"So we're going to get dirty on this one." Gojo suddenly looks at you with a smirk. "Oh Y/n-chan I never knew you were this wild. Please be gentle with our Yuuji-kun." He said dramatically. Your face lits up, the reddish hue all over your face. "Sensei!"

You felt embarrassed, him thinking it in a dirty way. Now it made the mission awkward as you can't talk or even initiate one with Itadori at your side. The whole ride was now silent because a certain someone made it awkward. The sensei still has that same smirk on his face.

"You know at some ways you are like your father." He points out a similar trait of yours that links with your father. "You may both be polar opposites in personality as you inherited mine and a little bit of your mother I suppose but-"

He turns around, clutching the head of the front seat. "Your father may not seem like it but when your mother was alive. He always blushes when she teases him a whole lot." Hearing that from your uncle. You couldn't imagine your father ever do that.

Well you've never met any interaction with your mother and father because your mother died while she gave birth to a precious daughter, you. "Really?" You ask, still can't believe it. "Uh-huh." He nods his head up and down.

Now with a new information about how your father was in the past. You are quite relieved, at least you've gathered bit by bit of how your father was. He's a mystery to you. You've grown curious sometimes about what's he's like.

He's always busy with work and being the head of the clan. Personally training you of course, as you are the next head of the clan and other suitable members of the clan for exorcism combat.

He was never an open book to begin with. "Were here!" Everyone went outside the car except you. You struggle to un buckle the seat belt. It got twisted into a knot and you tried your best to twist yourself free.

Itadori notices, he walks to your side and open your door to helped you out. "T-thank you." You thank the pink-haired. "No problem." He smiles, you find it cute to see his smile once again and it was your own doing too.

You got out of the car and both of you followed the two adults at the entrance of the sewer that we are about to go in.
"I almost forgot. Sewers have dirty water but its still water so they relay strength on water as well."

"So should we draw him out?" You questioned. "If you manage to do that the better chance it is for the both of you." Yoi and Itadori looked at each other. Determined that we will end this quickly. "Goodluck kids!" Gojo's voice echoed through the sewer.

Stepping in, the smell grew worse and worse. If you don't have a strong stomach to held the vomit in you're done for. "Ahh it stinks." You pinch your nose to block off the smell. You struggle to breath and put a hand in your pocket to grab your scented handkerchief.

It was a good choice to bring one of these with you today, it helped you a lot to breath steadily for at least a couple more minutes then the smell would contaminate it. Itadori doesn't seem to mind the smell though.

"I'm sorry I don't have an extra." You apologize. "No worries, at least now I just have to smell it not taste it." You laughed at him. "You have a point, tasting something awful is way worse than smelling them." You both giggle. As your and his laughter filled up the sewer.

You suddenly stopped your tracks as you felt the curse spirit going near. "What is it?" Itadori asks you. "It's coming." You informed him. He went into combat mode, standing still as he too felt it. "You really have sharp senses L/n." He compliments. "As other prodigies of my clan."

The cursed spirit showed its form to us. The sensei wasn't kidding, the cursed spirit really looks like his description of it. It has noodles arms and an ugly purple bruised up body. "Pipe...dirty water...rusty..." It keeps repeating its own known words that he caught from various people going here everyday.

"First we need to draw it out of here." Itadori found three shattered pieces of bricks on the side and threw them at the curse spirit. With an angry howl it sped up and followed us out. "Good job Itadori!" You hollered. As both you and Itadori saw the way of an exit.

Both you and him came out of the sewer as well as the one following the two of you out. "Great job kids now show me how a perfect duo works." Gojo cheers for the both of you.

You both surround the curse spirit. Keeping a good distance from it as it's noodle-like arms stretches quite long. "Ready Itadori?" You asked the pink-haired male. "Ready if you are." He replied back.

You ran towards it, letting you wrap his elastic arms around you. It was fast to absorb the curse energy from you. Then Yuuji starts to do the offensive. It weakens. You've building up enough curse energy to get away from its arms. Crushing it in the process, hearing a yelp of pain from it.

Now its to give the finishing blow. You grabbed its crushed arms and spin it round and round until you smashed it to the ground. "Wow..." Itadori was amazed by how skilled you are. "Great job Y/n-chan!" Gojo claps happily for you.

Gojo tossed something to you. It was the katana, the one that your mom entrusted you with. A sharp long thin blade, decorated with a straight red line on the edge of the blade. It's handle was crafted into perfection. Coated with black with red lace like markings on them.

You took it from the air and with all of your mighty strength you wield it like a pro and slashed the curse spirit in half. Causing it to evaporate into nothingness while its black liquids spread everywhere in different directions.

"That was awesome!" Itadori's eyes shine seeing it personally how strong you really were. "That was so epic!" Now he was completely fanboying over you. You shyly smiled at him while you held the katana by your side. "Now that's my niece!"

Gojo jump down from the edge and gave you the katana's scabbard and a clothe to wipe off the black liquid. "Stop it guys, that was beginners luck." You started to clean the katana. "Belittling yourself won't do you good. You're just that good. You might surpass me right now."

"I doubt I'd surpass you right now. Didn't you say you were the strongest?" He showed a cocky smirk. "I am the strongest." He boasts confidently that you wished you had a lot of confidence like that but the perfect daughter image can't be harmed.

Especially not in front of a person that your father has forbade you to interact which you just disobey his order. But still your uncle approves it anyway so you felt less guilty about it. "Why don't we go and let Megumi-kun tag along as we eat out for dinner?"

"So we don't need to pay the delivery service that was about to come and deliver dinner?" Itadori asks the sensei. "Yup, I took care of it. You both did a good job. Let your sensei treat you all."

A Prominent Clan (Itadori x Fem! Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now