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Chloé p.o.v. -

Me and adrien we're playing with the keyboards on the front desk and more. I was about to put a paper clip on Adrien's hair when I heard miss bustier ask my dad what jobs do marinette and alya have.

"Dad! Here you left this on the desk."  I said with a smile and he comes over to pick it up. "Yes, thanks sweetheart." He says as he looks down at the paper.

"Yes, alya you will be helping Mr. jean with his duties and as for marinette she will be..." He pauses when he saw the big alligator, jagged stones and with his agent.

"Excuse me, this is a luxury hotel. Not a zoo." He says looking down at the poor fangs, I clear my throat to get his attention. "Dad!" I call him and he comes to lean his ear to me.

"Dad, that's jagged stones. The one we had payed to come do the elections for Kim, his rich too. I want him in because I like his pet fangs." I said and I made sure to repeat rich to him so he will be convinced to let jagged stones stay here with his pet.

"Mr.stone, welcome to the Grand Paris Hotel. I am major Bourgeois owner of this establishment, the most luxurious in all of Paris." Dad says changing quickly his personality.

"How may we serve you?" He asks the rock star.

"How do you think? I'm not here to admire your lobby." He says with an attitude and his agent. "Jagged Stone would like to have your most luxurious suite." She says and Mr. stone looks back at her with a small glare.

"Make sure that fang gets a real bathtub, not a tiny water hole like the hotel across the street." He says and looks back at my dad with his arms crossed.

"We have everything you need, For your crocodile as well." He says while looking down at fang and I give out an awe because he's so cute, adrien was given me a amused grin which I give him a glare.

"Would fang like a bubble bath?" Dad asks Mr. stone and stones gives him a glare. "Crocodiles don't like bubble baths, it dries their scales out." He says and I look behind them to see that the doors slide open and the crazy fan comes in, sneaking behind a counter. I quickly stood in front of him before he could take picture of Mr. stone, he stops what he was doing and gives me a glare and I return one back.

"I'm sorry but your not aloud to be here, your bothering Mr. stone and your constant pictures sir. Or do you want fangs go after you." I said with a smile as fangs starts to fallow him which makes him jump over the counter and stayed close to the doors. Fang comes over to my side with his tongue out, I give out a laugh and pet his head which making his tail wave happily.

"Remember me, Mr. stone? Vincent Asa. Just one photo to show everyone we're best buds. Please I'm your biggest fan." He says ignoring what I had said and starts to take picture of Mr. stone which makes the pop start mad.

"I know, you've been to my last 36 shows but we are not friends." He says looking at the crazy fan and again he ignores his words and proceeded to have his arm around Mr. stone and have his camera ready to take a picture.

"There, look into the lens~" He says but before he could take a picture I took it away from him.

"You don't take hint do you? Don't you see that you're annoying them, even fangs over here." I said as I pointed to fang who was now growling at the crazy fan which made him back away in fright.

"You ignore my words and specially Mr. stones words, no more photos!" I said as me and fang started walking towards him with a glare which made him back away to the doors, I threw his camera to him making sure that it didn't hit the floor.

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