Antibug....oh, no no I'm azula

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Chloé p.o.v. - ( I don't know if you guys got the hint in one of the chapters talking about this character but I had an idea to use her for this episode )

"So let me this straight, you're guitar was thrown into the lake along with some stuff by an invisible person?" I ask luka who was sitting on my bed with a tired look and bags under his eyes, making me worry for him. I grab the tea from my nightstand and give it to my boyfriend which he thanks me with a smile.

"Yeah, my mom said that I should sleep somewhere else for the mean time. So I went to you, to my lovely girlfriend~" He says with a smirk which I playful hit his shoulder but not that much force because he still had the tea cup in his left hand.

"Can you think of anyone who might have an agenda against you?" I asked him which he shakes his head.

"Don't but what I do know is that is a girl, I heard her giggle. I don't know what she wants." He says and I thought about Sabrina which was weird because on the episode she would come after me but she comes after luka and I didn't see her yesterday.

"I think I know who it is, I mean I think is Sabrina that is going after you. Do you remember what you did yesterday?" I asked him and he thinks for a moment until he snaps his fingers. "Oh, we had that date yesterday." He says and I stood up from the bed with a gasp of surprise.

"Oh no! I called her yesterday before the date that I couldn't hang out with her because I had a date with you. I think she's after you because I canceled her time to be with you." I said as I pace in front of luka and I felt his arms on my shoulders stopping me from panicking.

"Hey, calm down. You didn't mean to make her feel like that, I think she feels like you replaced her with me and that I'm spending so much time with you. Making her think that she's going to be invisible and be forgotten by you, that's why she's after me." He says and I give him a kiss on the lips, he kissed back with a smile.

"Your right and I have to fix this!" I said with a smile and I hear someone break something in my bathroom, me and luka look at the bathroom scared because it came out of nowhere.

"I will take care of this luka, you go home and take a nice sleep. I'm pretty sure she won't bother you now that I know that Sabrina is the one behind this." I said making him nod and he kissed my forehead.

"Please be careful." He says and I nodded as I fallow him to my door and watch as he leaves. I made sure that I lock my door so she won't go after him, I walked outside the balcony and waited for any movement or sound from Sabrina. That's when I heard her shoes clicking on the ground, I open my eyes still watching the sky.

"Sabrina, I want you to stop bothering luka. He didn't do anything to you.. your problem is with me not him, I was the one who ignored you and canceled on you not him." I said with a frown and I could feel her stopping her movement.

"EVER SINCE THAT GUY APPEARED, HE STARTED TO SHOW A LOT AND ALL WAYS GOING ON DATES WITH HIM AND YOU CANCELING OUR HANG OUTS FOR A BOY!" She yells, I turn around to face her even though I couldn't see her I could tell she was in front of me with her arms crossed and glaring at me.

"Sabrina that's what boyfriends and girlfriends do, they go on dates to get to know each other more and meaning that they like each other a lot. I'm sorry for canceling our time but it was one time, this is the first time I ever canceled for you." I said and I hear her huff and heard her small heels click.

"Fine! You want me to leave your boyfriend than your my next target now." She says and leaving the place as she unlocked the door of my room. I turn around to face the sky with a frown and took out my phone, I went to my contact to call Adrien to tell him about the akumatized person but than I decided to tell him in school.

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