Befana... mama...dada

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Chloé p.o.v. -

"So, you forgot to get marinette a present for her birthday? We still have time to get one right now." Luka says as we both walk inside the mall and look at different stores for the perfect gift for marinette.

"I know, I totally forgot that today was her birthday but I know what to get her. It's pretty easy to know what she likes but I think she doesn't need an adrien poster since his already going to be there in a flesh, so I will get her a sewing machine and a kit." I said with a smile as we both saw the store we were looking for.

"Well, Let's go in and head to the party. It's starts in 1 hour and we need to help them out with the decorations." Luka looks down at his watch and I nodded with a smile.

"Okay, Let's do this." I call out an employee for recommendations.


"Now, Let's head to the party and help out our friends." I smile as me and luka headed to the park were the birthday party is going to take place.

"Yeah." He says with a smirk as he puts his right arms around me and headed to the place. We were in the bridge where me and luka had our Valentines date ruined, me and luka were just walking when suddenly a bright light up on us and we closed our eyes. That's when we open them again because the light went away and we could hear a baby crying along with laughter, we look up in shock to see two blonde baby's falling down toward us.

"What the hell?!" We shout as we catch the baby's in time making them look at us with a smile, I was holding the crying baby while luka was holding the excited one

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"What the hell?!" We shout as we catch the baby's in time making them look at us with a smile, I was holding the crying baby while luka was holding the excited one.

"Mama!" The crying boy said as he hugs me close and I look down in shock. "What? Mama?" Me and luka asked confused.

"Papa!" The baby in Luka's hand says as he reached for luka to touch his face, making luka look at him in shock. "Papa?!" Luka asks in shock and we both look at the sky confused. I look down at the crying baby again which I noticed that they have names on their shirts.

"How did they just fall from the sky? I mean I know is not normal, should we tell the police and hand them... over to them?" Luka asks but I could tell that he was conflicted as I was because I didn't want them turn in to the police.

"No! Let's just bring them with us... I mean we can't just go to the police and say that the baby's came from the sky. They will think we are crazy... look they have their names in the shirts, the one I'm holding is Angel and what about the other baby?" I showed him the name making the baby smile at luka, Luka looks down at the baby he was holding to check the name.

"His name is Harry, isn't that the movies/book characters name? You know the boy who lived?" He asks me knowing that I like that book and I nodded with a laugh, making the baby's laugh along with me.

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