Prime Queen

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Chloé p

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Chloé p.o.v. -  ( this is a long chapter )

"I have a what now?!" I yelled in surprise as I stood up from the couch where me and luka were just hanging out, until Mr. jean knock at the door and comes to tell me that I have an interview with Nadja  chamack along with Chat noir.

"Yes, your father agree for you to have this interview without your permission. Unfortunately it's tonight." He says with a bow knowing that tonight I was going to have a date night stroll with luka. "What!?" I yelled and both luka and Mr. jean we're looking at me in worry since I keep on repeating the same response to them, luka comes to my side to grab my hands gently and making me focus on him.

"Hey, don't worry about our date. Let's do it another time and worry about now." He says with a smile making me nod. "But I'm still mad that my dad didn't tell me about this and decided to tell me on the last minute. And why do they want to interview me? Shouldn't they have interview both hero's?" I asked both of them and they shrug their shoulders, making me give out a groan.

"You know what? Maybe ladybug will be there too, and they just want to ask some questions about us and than they will ask questions to the both of them.... maybe when I'm finished with interview early we could still have time to go out on a stroll?" I said and he nodded with a small laugh and kiss my head, making me give out a sigh.

"I love that princess~" He says with a smirk and I give him a kiss. "Than all I need is to get ready for tonight and get dressed professionally because if my mom sees me like this, I won't hear the end of it." I said looking at my clothes that usually wear at school  as I went to my closet to look for anything cute and comfy.

"I just hope this doesn't go down hill." I whisper thinking about Nadja's job that she needs big ratings for her to keep her job. "Okay let me get dressed up and than we can still hang out for a while until it's time for the interview, thanks Mr. jean." I said to luka and than at Mr. jean for telling me about tonight and watch as he leaves my room.

"Sure, I'll like that." Luka agrees as he sits down at the couch again to look for a shot movie for us, while I started to change into a black and yellow dress with black shoes. My hair was down in curled up with my miraculous hair pin.

"How do I look?" I said, he turns around to face me and I could see that he was blushing. "You look radiant, my love." He said with a smirk and again making me blush.

"Thanks luka, Let's watch a movie before I go." I said as we both sit down at the couch and watch a movie.


"You can stay here for the night here, I'll be back as soon as I can. Okay?" I said to luka who stood outside with me at the hotel waiting for Mr.peter to drive me to the news station. "Yeah, I'll wait for you in you're room. I'll make sure to watch your interview." He says as he kiss me on the lips softly and I left to go inside the limo. I wave goodbye to him as I put the window down and he does the same, I look in front and to think about what I should do since this didn't happen on the episodes and I know I should expect it be like this since I'm here as a new Chloe and changing some stuff.

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