Bucky (Bunny x Ducky)

289 7 5

Finding a decent name for a ship that doesn't have a name is quickly becoming a problem.

Let me just start off by saying, I love these Characters to Death and they were the best part of Toy Story 4.

Now that that's out of the way, I have no idea how to feel about this Ship.

Like... they were sewn together, right?

Does that make them related? Married? Or just two plushies sewn together?

If it would mean they're technically related, is Toy Incest even possible?

This doesn't have anything to do with the current ship, but is Toy Pedophilia possible? Some Toys appear to be childlike while Woody, Buzz and Jessie are more... adult-like.


If an older toy dates a "child" toy, is that acceptable? Or do the other toys throw them away as punishment? Is that why some toys get lost?

We are so far from the original point, but Toy Story finally gave me an existential crisis.

Back to the ship, I guess it's... fine???

I mean even if it's Toy Incest is that bad? I don't even know anymore because the Toy Story Movies never mentioned incest. WEIRD RIGHT?

I mean they seem to be pretty close and Toys have dated in the past, so I guess it could work for them?

It sounds like a cute ship, but all I can think about now is Toy Incest, so I can't even focus on the cute part.

I know I didn't talk about the actual ship much, but I still don't know how to feel about this Ship, and also the thought of Toy Incest and Pedophilia us currently driving me insane.

???/10, I literally don't know, what do you guys think?

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