Trumbaa (Donald Trump x Pumbaa)

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As of right now we are in the middle of an Election. We still don't know who's gonna be President, but if that f•cking Oompa Loompa wins again, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna create an entire Book DEDICATED to gay Trump x Fictional Characters Ships, and literally just constantly mock Trump in it for the next FOUR YEARS. That's a promise.

So for the sake of the safety of Millions and my sanity, please don't let this constipated Oompa Loompa and Kermit's Husband be the President and Vice President for the next few years! God, I'm literally begging you.

Onto the actual ship, this is OBVIOUSLY a Joke, like Mike Pence x Kermit, Steve Rogers x Big Macintosh or John Oliver x Eeyore, but unlike those other ones, I'm actually gonna take it seriously...

Okay SOMEWHAT seriously.

Before we get started if you are a Trump supporter, I mean this in the rudest way possible, L E A V E!

Now, some people will say this is Beastiality or Zoophilia or whatever, but literally all I can see is two Pigs, so I don't see the problem.

The problem with this Ship is that Pumbaa, despite the fact that I don't... like him, is still better than Trump I'm so many ways.

Not to mention, him and Timon basically adopted Simba and Trump literally tried to ban gay Couples from adopting earlier this year, not to mention that he's best buddies with Mike Pence, someone who hates the LGBTQ+ Community (that doesn't apply to Kermit, don't worry).

But here's my suggestions for this Ship that could make it tolerable:

-Coffee Shop AU. Trump owns the business, Pumbaa works there, if you think that's sexual harassment, yes it is. And it's something that seems to be very in Character for one of them at least.

-High school AU. Trump keeps trying to be the Captain of the Debate Team or something, Class President, Student Council maybe? Keeps failing because this School isn't America and has an ounce of common sense, hits rock bottom, literally where he finds one of the more unpopular Students, Pumbaa who's a Social Outcast because he smells like crap and comes from a Country where they eat bugs, used to have a Best Friend called Timon, but they fell apart when he joined the Track Team or something.

-Zombie Apocalypse AU. In which Trump is still President, handles the Zombie Outbreak poorly, has to escape from the White House and is helped out by Pumbaa, Timon and Simba (Timon is Simbas primary caretaker in this). Trump and Pumbaa hit it off, unfortunately Trump refuses to follow basic Security measures, becomes a Zombie and dies. Not too many Zombie AUs with a happy ending, so I decided to spice it up a bit!

I would just like to say:

I have absolutely no regrets.

This was 100% worth it.

Look, I saw the opportunity to mock Trump and Fan Fiction Tropes at the same time and I took it, I goddamn took it.

If it's not obvious by now, I hate Trump and Pence, don't actually like Biden in any way, I constantly get him and Pence mixed up, but he really is the better option here. He's better than Trump and Pence combined. Okay, that's a pretty low Bar to meet, but whatever.

Overall I give this Ship a 700/10, not as good as Permit, SteveMacinosh or Oliveeyore, but still a Masterpiece of a ship.

...I said this was gonna be more serious than Permit, not that it was gonna be normal.

Anyways, I really REALLY hope that Trump doesn't win, because a) I can't take four more years of that orange dipsh•t running this Country, b) I really don't wanna make that Trump Ship Book.

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