Happily Ever After [Elsaten (Elsa x Geten)]

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I know exactly what you're feeling right now.

Crippling confusion as to why THIS is my last Chapter, probably.

Geten, a Character I feel like most of the people that are gonna read this, have never heard of, is one of the two Characters to send off this chaotic Wattpad book.


Now. I did try to fix this by dedicating a Chapter to Pigleten, which in turn, nobody read, I'm pretty sure, so if you haven't, find out about Geten there I'm not explaining this again, and you will all be out of my content soon anyway.

You might be thinking why I would make something like this the last chapter, and if I'm being honest, that all ties back to the very first chapter, Jelsa.

I knew I was gonna have to do an Elsa Ship for my last one, but I wasn't sure who.

Then it hit me. Who better than a fellow icy bitch?

Not only that, but my interests have gradually shifted... I think you all noticed that over the span of like two years. My current interest does appear to be BNHA, specifically the Meta Liberation Army, and specifically Geten, so I think it's kinda neat, to have the final stage in that shift be this chapter.

About the actual ship, when I made it up back in like NOVEMBER 2021, A YEAR AGO, I was like: "This is the best ship and deserves all the content."

Now I don't really like it if I'm being honest.

The reason why being, 2021 me had a headcanon that Geten was 19, and 2022 me thinks he's 17 (just like me fr).

And like... that's a reoccurring problem in the Disney Princess Fandom, we all assume all the Disney Princesses are the same age and then accidentally condone lowkey pedophilia, Disney THEMSELVES did that with ships like Snow White and Florian and... possibly Aurora and Phillip. I look back at some of the ships I said were cute or fine and they're like between 20 year olds and 14 year olds, which just isn't okay, I'm sorry. It happened with Elsarora, and it happened with Elsaten.


When I started this book I was out as a Lesbian, which is not accurate to my actual sexuality at all. A couple weeks ago I discovered I wasn't just Bisexual, but also Aromantic.

If you're not familiar with that term, like I was for many years, it basically means that I feel no romantic attraction. It's not asexual, which is feeling no SEXUAL attraction, asexuals can still feel romance and shit. You might be wondering where I'm going with this, and well.

Since I discovered I was Aro, I gradually realized just how romance centric the world (and especially Disney) is.

That's one of the reasons I appreciate Winnie the Pooh so much. It focuses on found family with little to no romance and 100% platonic love between characters, and whenever romance is brought up, it's usually for comedy. That's not to say shipping is off limits, I still like Tigger and Rabbit or Kanga and Rabbit, but it's not meant to be the focus of the show, and I wouldn't really say the ships hurt anyone or undermine platonic attraction.

There's many, many other ways you can ship something. I'm pretty sure I've done Friendships and Sexual ships before, the latter is usually gross, but let's ignore that.

Elsaten doesn't have to be romantic or sexual to be a ship. I can really ship them as anything I want. I could give them a brother and sister dynamic! A childhood friends one! Teacher and Student! Partners in Crime! It doesn't HAVE to be romantic.

I do want them to be together in some way! They're basically inverted versions of each other, of course I want that! Elsa spent her entire life hiding her Powers because she feared them, and Geten spent his entire life training his Powers so that other people would fear them. Plus their red headed father figures encouraged their behavior. They're so similar in so different ways an it's amazing. I do want them to be a crossover ship, I can't see it romantically AT ALL, but that doesn't matter.

These books had many, many flaws, and while I still appreciate them for what they are, I should've discussed Friendship more than I did.

Also, while we're on the topic, I hate Jelsa with a passion now... just like. Why. I know the creator of Jack Frost was like "Oh yeah it's good!" But I don't care. His opinion means nothing to me, no offense, but the shippers are so goddamn annoying and bothersome and I hate them (if you're a Jelsa shipper, not you, you're good, I HOPE).

Anyway, leaving this book behind is a pretty huge change for me, I don't have a big explosive ending like the last book, and I don't think it would fit the theme at all.

To finish things off, Elsaten (platonically, I can't stress that enough) is a good ship, it means a lot to me and my overall weird, WEIRD character arc I've set up for myself in this. It's the ultimate platonic OTP in my eye, and that's why I feel comfortable giving it a


And that's that!

Sorry if this is anticlimactic, I just didn't have that much motivation left in me, and also I had a plan and then my wifi just left, which is GREEEEAT.

If you are still interested in occasionally content from me you can find me on Instagram!

My Disney editing account (that I rarely use lol) is: @/disneyteacupcorner
And my art account is: @/teacupcorner

Okay shameless self promotion OVER, let's move on!

Disney used to be a huge part of my life, and while I'm sad it isn't really anymore, I'm glad I can move on to things I adore talking about and making content for. I do still like Winnie the Pooh and Sleeping Warrior and all that good stuff, but other than that, I don't need to keep up with Disney too much anymore. The D23 announcements have shown me that.

Anyway, goodbye, farewell, be on your merry way, look at this dumb shit I made:

Anyway, goodbye, farewell, be on your merry way, look at this dumb shit I made:

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TTFN! Ta Ta for now!

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