The Attack on Jason

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'Ki ki ki, ma ma ma...Ch ch ch, ah ah ah...'

The quiet sound played as Jason made his way through the woods.

He knew these woods through the back of his head, so he knows where to go and the shortcuts he made.

The masked assailant then noticed something from the corner of his remaining eye... A couple? Here? Sitting by a campfire?

"...raarrghh." Jason silently moaned.

With that moan, Jason made his way to the fire.

"You know, there's a legend around here." The man said. "A killer buried...but not dead."

"Yes, Mike. You've mentioned this story seven times since we got here!" The girl joked. "There was a boy who drowned years ago in this camp, his mother went crazy and murdered the two councilors who were supposed to be watching him!
Then years later, a group of teens tried to reopen the camp only to be killed one-by-one by the mother. She was beheaded by the one survivor, but the boy returned from the dead and stalks these woods for whoever is in them."

Mike blinked. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

The two laughed, drinking nearby bottles of beer.

"I love you." Mike said.

"I love you too." The girl replied.

The two leaned into each other for a kiss...

...but then...

S L A S H !

Mike's head was slashed into, blood pouring out of it. A machete in his head.

The girl screamed, moving up and running away.

Jason growled, and took the machete out to run after the girl.

The girl screamed as she ran from the hockey-masked killer, tripping over the ground and screaming loud repeatedly.
Much to Jason's annoyance.

Then, the girl accidentally slammed into a tree, and fell on the ground.

When she turned around, she found the killer right in front of her approching slowly.

She screams, as Jason grabs her by the throat, and lifts her into the air. She screams so loudly, ears could practically explode from the single decimal of that scream.

And then, she coughed. "Sorry, sorry. I have a throat-ache.."

She kept coughing, with Jason being patient.
He may be a killer, but god-damn, he has respect to wait.

And then-

"Say goodnight, fucker."

The girl kicked Jason back, with Jason letting her go. The girl got up, taking out a small dart gun from behind her.

She fired at Jason's chest, causing Jason to howl.

Jason raised his machete, but before he could attack, other people emerged from behind the trees and opened fire with tranquilizer darts at the brute.

From the back of the head, to the back, to the legs, to the feet. Everywhere you could imagine, Jason was hit with a dart at least once.

Dropping the machete and letting out one last growl, the mighty Jason collapsed onto the ground and drifted off into sleep.

The girl ran up to him and kicked him in the head, with Jason hearing one last quote before he went unconscious.

"Motherfucker, your mask fucking sucks shit!---"

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